♥~The 5-Star Interview//Secrets Unpacked~♥

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1 month later....(Gray's POV)

  I woke up to Juvia clinging to me in her sleep(cute), and my phone ringing (ughhh). I looked at the clock, and it was 5am. Who the fuck wakes up at five in the goddamn morning, AND decides to call me?!? I'm not gonna answer the call, I don't wanna wake Juvia up. So I declined the call and much to my surprise, Juvia's phone rings this time. So much for not waking her up.... She moved around, trying to find the phone and seemed very annoyed. "Who the fuck would call ANYONE at this time?!?" She said groggily. Her whole attitude changed when she answered the phone, I guess it's an actress thing.

She got off a few minutes later.
"Well, that was Kinana, the host of 'Good Morning Magnolia'. She said that she wants to do an interview with both of us.  Apparently she called you, but you didn't answer."
"Oh. Makes sense, radio people have to be up early. Whoops, I guess I'll call her back now." 
"Okay, but do you wanna do the interview?"
"Yeah, why? Do you not wanna do it?"
"No, I do. I was just making sure we were on the same page."

  So I went and called her back, and got all of the details. The interview was set for tomorrow at 10am. I told her I would have to move my schedule around a little to make this work. Oh, the things I do for you Juvia.... Next thing was to call Wendy, and ask what was on my schedule for tomorrow.

"Hello?" Well someone sounds exhausted.
"Hi Wendy, sorry for waking you up."
"Oh Mr. Fullbuster! You didn't wake me up. What do you need?"
"If it's not too much trouble, can you tell me what I have to do tomorrow from around 10am to 2pm?"
"Oh, right of course!"
There was lots of shuffling on the other end of the line. Then I heard talking.

"What the hell are you doing up so early on a Sunday?"
"Well, good morning to you too Romeo, you prick. I'm looking for my boss's schedule, since you must know."
"Can't you do that later babe? Come back and sleep with me."

  Wow, I didn't know Wendy had a boyfriend...Maybe I should try making conversation with her about other things besides work. Or maybe I shouldn't, because the next thing I heard was something I could've done just fine without. Apparently this Romeo guy was making out with Wendy, from what I can hear. Maybe I'll call back later......

The next day.....

"Gray get up! We totally overslept and we're gonna be late if you don't get up right now!" Juvia was slapping me in the face with a pillow. What a rude way to get someone up, but then again we are running behind schedule. "Shit. Maybe we shouldn't have stayed up so damn late...." I grinned at the thought of last night, it was quite enjoyable. I think in the month or so we've been back together, we've had more sex than we did when we were together the first time. "GRAY!" Whoops, I must've zoned out, she slapped me again. "Yeah yeah, I'm up I'm up! I'm gonna shower, since I'm all sweaty from last night." She turned beet red. "Yeah ok great! Just hurry up will you?" Crazy woman...........Ugh, I can't help but love her so much.

  "Could you hurry up in the shower? I need to take one!" Juvia yelled on the other side of the door. I'm not even close to being done. "Why don't you just come in here with me babe?" There was a long pause, then the door opens. "Fine. But don't turn this into shower sex, we have an interview in two hours."

Long story short, we had sex. I tried holding back, but seeing her all wet like that turned me on. Now we were rushing to get dressed, and in twenty minutes, we were out the door. It was a good thing that Lyon and Meredy  volunteered to babysit for us last night. Juvia wouldn't give up on the idea of her driving, so I caved and let her drive. Traffic was insane today, and Juvia made sure not to let me hear the end of it.

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