♥~Silent Treatment//I'm Sorry~♥

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The next day(sunday)....Juvia's POV
  Gray and I aren't on speaking terms at the moment. He hasn't apologized or at least made an effort to make up for what he said last night. So until then, I'm not speaking to him. Anyway I'm making breakfast for the kids, and then I'm going out for brunch with Lucy, Levy, Mira, and Erza. Mira is coming over here to drop off her twins, Nova and Bolt, and Gray is gonna watch them. Good thing he knew about this already, so I don't have to talk to him. Speaking of the devil, she is here now.

"Hey Juvia!" She looks great for being a mother of two.
"Hey Mira! Oh let me take that stuff in for you." I said, grabbing the baby bag and all of the foods and other stuff that Nova and Bolt needed.

  Gray came and tried to help me, but I didn't acknowledge him. I just waved him off, as a way of saying 'we are not doing this right now.' He must of got my message, since he just went to talk to Mira and get the twins settled. I on the other hand, went to get dressed. I came back a little while later, and we were out the door.

"So, are you and Gray ok?"
"Uh yeah, why?"
"Because things seemed a little tense, and you didn't give him your usual Juvia PDA."
"Oh that. Don't worry about it. We're fine."
"Uhmmm, okay then. Whatever you say Juvi."

A brunch and a bunch of girl talk later...(that night)

  Mira and I went back to my house, and she looked drop dead tired. "Hey, you can stay here tonight if you'd like. I don't want you to drive, you look tired." She smiled and hugged me. "Yeah okay. I'll stay, and the twins are sleeping anyway. It would be a hassle to move them anyway." I reluctantly went to the guest room where Gray was.

"Hey, you can sleep with me for tonight since Mira is staying the night." I said while not looking at him in the slightest.
"Okay, but I can just sleep on the couch." [No you won't, that's where I'm sleeping.]
"If that's what you really want. But you can't say I offered."

  So he made up the bed, and went to the room. "Hey Mira, you can sleep in here for tonight. I'll give you some of my clothes, just give me a minute." I went to the room, and got some clothes. Lucky for me, Mira and I are pretty much the same size all around. I returned and gave her the clothes. "Thank you so much sis!" I said no problem, and went to sleep on the couch. I know I said he could sleep with me, so that's fucked up right? I dont wanna be near him right now, but I still care about his well being. The couch is too uncomforting for Gray~sama.
Tuesday.....Gray's POV

  So, how do you make a grand gesture to apologize to your girl with? I've been thinking about that all week. Juvia hasn't actually talked to me this whole week. She literally only acknowledges me when she absolutely needs to. Other than that, we don't talk. I try to help out and make up for it by doing things for her, but she just pushes me away.

  I hate this, because the last time I got mad at her.....I don't even wanna think about it. Ummm, I could cook for her and buy presents. And obviously give a heartfelt apology. I'm gonna get her so many gifts, so this gesture will be done on Friday. Now, to think about what to cook for the one I call mine.........
Thursday night....Juvia's POV

  So, he still didn't apologize, how rude! And he's been acting pretty weird lately. He's always on the phone with someone, and when I walk in he stops talking. He also goes out for long periods of time, and I don't know what to think of it. But I will not stoop to thinking that he is cheating. I trust him with my life, so I will not just jump to conclusions. So I'm going to sleep.

But what if he is cheating on you?
What the hell! I closed my eyes for one second, and here goes my conscience. No way he is, after all he did to get me back.
But, there is a poss-
No! There isn't now shut up! I went to sleep, and it finally stopped.
Friday evening....Juvia's POV

  I am currently coming home from work, and I really miss talking to Gray~sama. Normaly, I would be texting him right now, telling him how much I love him. But, I said we needed a break, so I am holding up to that. I can't wait to get home, because I am tired as hell. Between modeling, acting, and singing, I don't know how I keep up with it all. But of course there just had to be a shit ton of traffic today. Welp Juvia, you're just gonna have to power through this....

30 minutes later....

  I walked up the steps, and noticed a bouquet of white roses. 'Hmm' I thought as I picked them up and went in. At the entrance was a trail of rose petals. 'What the hell is going on?' I'm so confused right now. So I followed it, and gasped at the sight in the living room. Gray was sitting there waiting for me, surrounded by presents for me.

"So, you wanna tell me what this is for?" I said as I blushed profusely.
"Oh nothing. Just showing you how much I love you....and how sorry I am for acting like a dick."
"Okay, a simple 'I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gotten jealous because I know that my princess Juvia would never, ever ever cheat on me', would've been just fine."
"Oh, okay. I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten jealous because I know that my princess Juvia would never, ever ever cheat on me. Sooo, should I take this stuff back then?"
"What no, don't do that! I mean you went through all the trouble of getting this stuff, soooo......" I said quickly.
"Alright fine, but I really am sorry babe. So are you gonna open them now, or do you wanna eat first?"
"There's food too?!? Well you should've lead with that! I meannnn.....yeah sure we can eat first." If anybody knows what'll make me forgive them in a heartbeat, they know it's food.
"Where are the kids Gray?"
"I sent them to stay with Gajeel and Levy. Gajeel actually didn't give me a death glare for the first time in the year we've been back together."
"Well that's great! Maybe Gajeel-kun is starting to warm up to you, even if he won't show it."

So we went in the kitchen, and Gray made our plates.

"Hope you like it, I made it myself."
"I'm sure I'll love whatever you made for us to eat."

He made shrimp alfredo with crab legs and lobster tails. Geez, when Gray Fullbuster apologizes, he really makes you forget what you were arguing about in the first place. It tasted amazing, and just like that we were talking again.

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