♥~Silver Fullbuster//I'm Here With You~♥

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The next day...

  Juvia and Gray just woke up, and it was 12 in the afternoon. Juvia gave Gray her usual deadly hug, which to her surprise, Gray did not return in the slightest. But she didn't think much of it at the moment. Nope, she definitely thought a lot about it.

  'He must of had a long night or something. He did come home pretty late, but he smelled like alcohol. Maybe a company party? No, he would've told me about that. I can't read him right now, and I almost always know what he's thinking about. Am I forgetting something?' She thought, as she was brushing her teeth and washing her face. As she was leaving, Gray walked in and didn't say anything to her. She was beginning to get worried. What was with the sudden mood change, he was fine yesterday. Juvia decided that she would ask what was up with him later.

  She went and made some breakfast, which consisted of fried fish, cheesy grits, and fried eggs. The kids came down and ate, but Gray didn't. This was reminding Juvia of the time she almost died.

Five years ago....

Juvia started the day off by cooking for everyone, I hopes that she could make Gray somewhat happy, and talk to her again. Everyone but him came down. Wow....... Not what i was going for....... She thought sadly............Ten minutes later, Gray showed his face downstairs. He came and got something to eat. "Good morning Gray-sama. Are you feeling any better today?" Juvia asked sweetly. "I'm fine Juvia, and stop calling me 'Gray-sama' It's annoying, leave me alone". "But Gray, I just...." He cut her off and yelled at her. "LEAVE ME ALONE JUVIA! DAMN, CAN'T YOU TELL THAT YOU ARE ANNOYING? I DON'T KNOW WHY I LET YOU STAY HERE, OR WHY I GAVE THIS A CHANCE! YOU SHOULD'VE JUST LEFT, YOUR WORTHLESS TO ME!" Juvia's eyes widened in shock. She wanted to cry, but she refrained from the urge. She just grabbed her car keys, said bye, and left.

End of flashback

  He was acting just like this, not talking to her, and seemingly shutting everyone out. Juvia had to find out what was up with him, before he said something he regretted. She thought about any important events that happened around that flashback. Then, it hit her like a brick.

Five years ago.....

"Dad? Dad, are you up?" No answer. They got to his room. "I'm coming in dad. Okay?" Crickets. It was dead silent. Gray slowly opened the door, and looked in. Juvia followed and saw what they thought was a sleeping Silver Fullbuster.

  Gray went over to attempt to wake him up. It was then, that he figured out what didn't feel right. His father, laid cold in bed. There was no pulse, just a cold still body. Gray sat on the floor, and broke down in tears.

End of flashback

  He was upset because this is the day that he found his father dead. Juvia was about to go upstairs to bring food to Gray, and talk to him about  the situation. As she finished making his plate, he came downstairs. Well, that was easy. Now actually bringing it up is the hard part. "Good afternoon Gray~sama. How are you feeling today?" He looked annoyed and sad. "Juvia, please. I am not in the mood to talk about it." She wasn't going to let him suffer in silence. "Gray, you were the one who told me that you would always talk to me. And that was a goddamned promise! So if you can't hold up to that promise, then why are we doing this?!?" Gray looked at her. She was completely serious, and he sighed in defeat.

  "This is about your father, isn't it? I remember that today is the day that happened." She said softly, and as she finished, he broke down in tears. She went over to him and rubbed his back, consoling her poor boyfriend. "Why did this have to happen to him? He was a good fucking man Juv! I miss him so much! He was all I had after mom died!" He sobbed into her chest, and she was shocked. "Gray....have you ever actually visited his grave since the funeral?" He shook his no. "I never could get myself to do it. It's too painful for me to do alone."

  "Well your not alone. Now go get dressed, because we're going to visit dad. Today, and I won't take no for an answer." Gray wanted to say no, but he knew he was never going to win this argument with Juvia. Everyone got dressed and headed out the house. The first stop was to Jellal and Erza's house to drop off the kids. Jellal answered the door, and let the kids in. "Thank you so much for watching the kids today." Juvia said as she hugged him. "No problem. But Erza is sick, she keeps throwing up. And she sleeps a lot." Juvia laughed. "Well, that could possibly mean congrats on becoming parents!" And with that, she left a shocked Jellal at the door.

  The next stop was to a local flower shop to get some for the visit. Juvia did all the work, while Gray sat in the car, she didn't want to put too much stress on him before one of the most stressful moment of his life. She came back ten minutes later. "Here hold these, they smell really good." She said, giving him a small smile. She drove until they got to the cemetery. "Are you ready babe?" He took a deep breath, and nodded.

  They got out of the car, and walked into the cemetery until they reached Silver's gravestone. They stood in silence, and Gray put the flowers down. Then he decided to say a few words.

  "Hey dad. It's been a long time since I've been here. Sorry for not visiting you, it was too hard for me to do alone. I wanna tell you how life has gone. I made a mistake, I left Juvia for my own selfish ways. But, I fixed it, and we're back together, and happier than ever. I'm keeping the company alive, and I'm gonna give it to Lyon. I know that if you were here, you would probably agree with me. I wanna be able to focus on Juvia and triple threat. Oh yeah, we have 3 kids together. I love them so much, and I'm so mad that I missed out on 4 years of their lives. But I'm gonna make up big time for that. I love you dad, and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you."

"Well, do you have anything to say Juvi?" He said, with tears streaming down his face. She nodded, and began talking.

  "Hey dad, it's Juvia. I mean, Gray basically said it all, but I miss you so much. It's a shame that you didn't get to meet triple threat. They would've loved you, and you would've loved them. I remember the first time we met, and you knew I liked your son. You just told me right off the bat, to call you dad, because you knew I was forever. You were right, I'm still here, even though I was gone for a while. Love you dad, miss you so much."

"Let's go get Chinese food, we need it. We can get the kids later."

"Yeah, thanks so much Juv. I love you. And I mean that shit."

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