♥~Easter Special!!!//Playboy Bunny~♥

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A/N:This has nothing to do with the overall plot. This is a NaLu and GrUvia Easter special, so enjoy!

NaLu's POV

"Get your lazy ass up, stupid pyro!" Lucy said as she slapped Natsu in the face with a pillow. She had made breakfast in bed for him.

"Lucy if you hit me again, I swear I will fire dragon roar you into next year." Natsu groaned and rolled over. He was definitely not a morning person. But he reluctantly got up and immediately changed his mood.

"Mmmm, smells like.........pancakes, bacon, eggs, and sausage." He had a huge grin on his face. "So, what's the occasion Luce?"

"Happy Easter Natsu!! I have something fun planned for today, so be prepared to have fun!" Lucy exclaimed happily.

"YAYYYYY! I get to eat all the candy I want, and you can't tell me not to!" He hopped up and ate his breakfast quickly. He couldn't wait to see what Lucy had planned.

"Woah, someone was hungry." Lucy said as she laughed at how messy Natsu's face was. She wiped it with a napkin, and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Later that day

"Luceeeee, when are you gonna tell me what you have planned?" Natsu whined like a baby.

"Okay okay, I have an Easter egg hunt planned for you. You'll find 15 eggs in different spots around the house. There will be clues by each egg, and when you find them all, come back to our room. Then, you'll get the prize I have for you. In the meantime...." She said as she pulled something out of her pocket. "Here's your first clue. Now have fun!"

"One question. Is there candy in all the eggs I find?" He asked, while he was drooling at the idea.

"Yes you fat ass. There's candy, now go enjoy yourself!" She shouted happily.

Hours later (Just bcuz Natsu is stupid lol.....)

"Natsuuuuuuu, are you done yet?" Lucy yelled from their room. She had been waiting for him for what felt like years.

"Almost! I can't find find the last egg!" He shouted back.

"Do you want me to tell you where it is, baka?"

"No Luce, you meanie!"

25 more minutes later  (He really is stupid....)

"I finally got it! Imma get my prize now!" Natsu sang out loud to himself as he walked to the room.

"Hey Lucy, I finally found it! Do I get my pri-" He stopped when he saw Lucy. She was in a bunny girl outfit, sitting on the bed.

"Happy Easter Natsu. You finished the game, and I'm the prize. I'm all yours for the rest of the night." Lucy said in a seductive tone.

"Well then, let's get started! We're gonna have fun tonight!" He said as he tackled her.

"Kyaaaa! Natsu!" She squealed.

"So, how many kids do you want Luce?"


GrUvia's POV

"Gray~sama!!! Happy Easter!" Juvia exclaimed as she hugged her fiancé.

"Juviaaaa, it's only 8 in the morning! Why are you up?" He said groggily.

"Because Juvia wants to spend a whole day with her beloved!" She squealed.

"But you do that everyday.....why is today any different?" He was so confused.

"Because, this is our first holiday together since we got engaged!" Ohh. Gray thought to himself.

"Okayyyyy, so what do you wanna do today babe?" He asked. Then, an idea popped into his head.

"How about we go out to eat breakfast, then I'll take you shopping at the mall. After that, we can stop by the food court for lunch. Maybe we can do our own Easter egg hunt. Sound good?" Juvia squealed and hugged the living life out of Gray.

"Eeee! Juvia can't wait! But she'll let Gray~sama go back to sleep first."

4 hours later

"Welp, I guess we're going out for brunch instead of breakfast. Sorry I overslept Juvia." Gray said in a disappointed tone. He knew how much Juvia was looking forward to this.

"Its okay, Juvia doesn't mind. Spending time with Gray~sama is all that  matters!" She said as she hugged the life out of him again. At least he was used to this....

Brunch, lots of shopping, and more eating later.....

Gray set up the egg hunt for Juvia to do. He was going to give her the grand prize after. It was a huge teddy bear, a dozen roses, a chocolate bunny, and some of her favorite candies. He explained the rules to Juvia, and then gave her the first of 9 other clues.

"Okay, this sounds fun Gray~sama. Juvia will be right back." She went to their room, and changed her outfit. When she came back out, Gray's jaw was on the floor.

"J-Juvia, what are you wearing?!?" She had on a turquoise bunny girl outfit, with no tights under it.

"What? Does Gray~sama not like Juvia's outfit?" She said as she batted her eyes innocently.

"No...I mean I do...I....Just get on with the hunt!" She was successful in flustering him.

She easily found the first one. It was under the couch, so she had to bend down to get it. "I......can't.....reach...it!" Juvia said while purposely moving her bottom half slowly side to side.

Gray was totally turned on, and unfortunately, he couldn't hide that fact.

15 minutes later  (Juvia isn't dumb like Natsu...)

"Juvia got them all Gray~sama!!!" She cheered.

"Well then, give me a minute and I'll be right back with your prize." He went in the main closet, and got her prize.

"Juvia loves it Gray~sama! Thank you so much!" She hugged the life out of the teddy bear.

"Yeah yeah. Can I fuck you senseless real quick? Cuz you have been purposely turning me on, and I know it."

She blushed profusely, and nodded. He picked her up, and they went to the bedroom.

Hope you guys enjoyed  my bonus chapter!🙃💙

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