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1 week later....(Gray's POV)

Juvia has been working late for the past few days. She said that she was working hard on a movie, and that when it was done a select few people would be able to see it before it hit theaters. It was supposed to be a red carpet event, so only celebs could go and see it. Juvia was gonna invite all of our friends, since it is her movie. They're the only ones that aren't celebs that can actually go. But she never told me what kind of movie it was going to be. She wants it to be a surprise, so I respected that. But I hate going to sleep when she's not here. So I haven't been getting much sleep. And she leaves early, so I can kiss sleep goodbye once she leaves. I know I seem pretty clingy, but I'm sorry. I can't sleep unless I know she is safe in bed with me. Speaking of, it's currently 3 am, and she just got back.

"You really need to go to sleep Gray~sama.You don't have to wait for me, even though it is sweet."
"Can't. I can't sleep when you're not sleeping with me. I've tried it, believe me."
"Awwe. Now you can go to sleep, you big baby!"

3 more months of horrible sleep later....

"It's finally done Gray~sama! I'm so excited for the movie premiere!"
"Oh good, now I can get more sleep!"
"And we get to cuddle more now! Yay!"
"So, when is it babe?"
"In a week, since the director, Sherry Akatsuki, is putting the finishing touches on it."
"Cool, I'm really looking forward to seeing you in a movie."

The next week....(Juvia's POV)

  Today's the day! I'm so excited for everyone to see me star in this movie. So it's based off of my life in a sense, though it was pure coincidence. Girl meets boy with dark past, they fall in love, boy leaves girl. Girl is pregnant, but doesn't tell boy, and he finds out later. I play the female lead, and Sting plays the male lead. I didn't know he was an actor too, but it was cool acting with him.

  Triple threat and Sylvie went to spend the night with Storm and Nashi. They were more than happy to take care of them, and Storm said it would be good practice.....Okay then.(T///T)

At the theater....

  Okay so, we're an hour into the movie. So far, Jessica(me) has fallen in love with Troy(Sting), and they are currently in the middle of a steamy sexscapade. Everyone is currently stealing looks at me, and snickering. But not Gray~sama. He looks pretty uncomfortable, and who wouldn't be? Knowing that their girlfriend was doing a sex scene with someone else is unsettling, but still it's just acting. Sting and I are good friends, both dating someone. Oh right, he's dating Yukino now, who is also here. I tapped Gray on the shoulder. "Are you okay?" I mouthed. He looked at me, and didn't say anything. Awkward much?

  The silence and uncomforting looks remained until the end of the movie. We went out of the theater and were asked ro take pictures. Gray said he couldnt be bothered, so I ended up just taking some with Sting and the rest of the actors. He had a sour look on his face eveytime Sting and I took a picture together. I'll just confront this in the car....

Before we drove off, I decided to address the problem.

"So you want to tell me what the hell your problem is? You haven't said anything to me since I asked if you were okay, and you totally blew off taking pictures with me. I was looking forward to this night, and your really being a dick right now!"


"Well?!? Answer the question Gray! What is your problem?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to totally hate the movie! It's just that seeing you with that guy made me completely jealous. I don't like seeing someone that belongs to me with someone else. ESPECIALLY when  you're doing a sex scene with them! So my bad for hating that moment in its entirety!"

"Are you fucking serious Gray?! We're both dating someone, and would never dream of cheating on them! Sting and I are good friends, and keep in mind, he is also my manager for modeling. I didn't even know he was an actor. But this was fun, and yes a little awkward to do that kind of scene with him. So I'm so sorry for pursing my goddamn career, but it's what makes me who I am! If you can't accept that, then I guess we shouldn't be together!"

"Now you're just being irrational Juvia! I never said I wanted to break up with you!"

"Whatever Gray. Then we need a break from eachother for a while."

"But Ju-"

"But Juvia NOTHING! You go and get the kids yourself, and tell them I'll be home late. I'll just walk home, and make sure you sleep in the empty room. I don't want to be near you right now..."

  I said that last part with tears in my eyes as I got out of the car. How could he ruin what was supposed to be one of the best nights of my career? Whatever, I won't be going home for a while, I'm gonna go to a diner and eat something, maybe clear my head a little. I can't believe him right now.....

A diner visit later....4am

  Juvia walked into the house, only to find Gray sitting on the couch. He looked at her with a face of relief and anger.

"Well where the hell were you?!? I thought you were walking home. It doesn't take that long Juvia, 4am is a stretch and you know it!"

"I'm a grown woman Gray, I can go where I please. You're not allowed to tell me what I can and can't do. But since you must know, I went to eat at a diner. Now I'm tired, and seeing as my night was ruined, I'm going to bed now."

   She stormed off before he could say anything. How could he do this to her? And just when he got her back too....

"I really am an asshole, huh?"


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