♥~Longest Wait Ever//Surprise!~♥

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1/2 year later..... Gray's POV

After only 1 year here in London, I'm going back home to Juvia. I know I was supposed to be here for 2 years, but I couldn't do it. To understand why, I'm gonna have to go back to about six hours ago.

Flashback to six hours ago....

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying that if you decide to make your stay here permanent, there would be lots of  business trips for you to attend all over the world. It would be really hard to give you breaks, and even then, they would not last long at all. So to visit your family would be a struggle. Of course, you could always just move them all out here and...."

"So sorry to cut you off, but no thank you Mrs. Watanabe. I don't think my kids would like moving away from all of the friends they have made in school. And they would miss their aunts, uncles and cousins too much."

"So what would you like to do Mr. Fullbuster?"

"I would like to quit, effective immediately if possible. I am going home to be with my family,  but thank you so much for the opportunity."

"Very well then Mr. Fullbuster. It was a pleasure working with you this last year!"

"Likewise Mrs. Watanabe."

Present time.....Gray's POV

  And that would explain why I am currently in the airport, boarding my plane back to Japan. Back to triple threat. Back to my Juvia. Back to my wonderful family. Speaking of, Juvia is calling me right now. I decide not to answer it. Instead, I texted her and told her I was super busy at work right now, and I was going to be busy all night. I said I'd call her maybe the day after tomorrow, because I wanted to rest. Well that's a lie, cuz at around this time tomorrow, I'd be back, and she'd be back in my arms. For now, I'll just sit back and relax. This is gonna be a long flight.

About 15 hours later....

  I am totally jet lagged. But whatever, I'm finally back in Japan, where I belong. Of course, I am in disguise, I don't want to deal with fans and the papparazzi. I caught a taxi from the airport, and got out two blocks from the house. Okay, bags check. Juvia's surprise, check. I am ready to go home. I made my way towards the house, and knocked on the door.

  "I'll be right there, just give me a second!" Shouted her angelic voice on the other side of the door. "Hi, do you need something?" She said as she answered the door, out of breath. "Yes I'm looking for a place to stay, and I was wondering if you could help me out..." I said, playing around. Her eyes suddenly went wide, and she pulled me inside the house.

   "Gray, is that you?!? I thought you were busy with work....YOU AREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE BACK FOR ANOTHER YEAR!!!" She shouted. "Well I mean, if that's what you want....I'll hop on the next plane back to London." She tackled me to the floor, knocking off my wig and glasses. "NO WAY DUMMY!" She started kissing me all over and giving me hickies. "J-Juviaaa....wait....aren't the kids home?" She shook her head no.

  "They're with Gajeel and Levy. So we have the house to ourselves." Desire and lust filled her eyes with that last sentence. Damn, just looking at her turns me on. All of my blood suddenly rushed south, and Juvia knew she was successful in turning me on. "So Gray, are you up for some 'Welcome Back' sex, or are you too jet lagged?" Fuck, I can't resist her any longer. I need her now.

  "I'll take your hard on as a yes." I nodded, and we got up off of the floor. "Gray, I wanna try something new. I would like to be your dessert, a Juvia Sundae, if you will. You up for that or what? "

"Fuck yes Juvia. I can't wait to lick you all over and taste you again."



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