♥~Awkward Situation//Heated Argument~♥

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"Juv you really should go back to work, you haven't been back at it in a  little over a month now!" Gray shouted from the kids room.

"No I don't think I will Gray! I wanna stay here with triple threat, you know very well that i'm still worried!" Juvia shouted back at him; half annoyed, and half exhausted. She was up all night thinking about what Gajeel was going to say to her. After avoiding him for a month, he got tired of it. Should she tell him about them kissing twice, or should that be saved until a later date? Gajeel is gonna fucking kill me if I tell him that.

  While she was thinking about this, Gray walked into the room. "Juvia, you know I can and will take good care of them. I don't want anything bad happening to them, so just let me help you out. I took time off from my company just to help you, so give me a chance. Please." He said as he sat down on her bed, startling her. She knew that he was telling the truth, and it would give her that chance to go and talk to her seemingly angry brother. Nothing would go wrong, Gray knows how to take care of kids; he's done it twice already, what's three more times? Juvia gave him a serious look, as if she was thinking really hard about it. "Okay Gray, I trust you to watch triple threat and make sure nothing happens to them. besides, I have to go talk to Gajeel today anyway...." Hearing that name made Gray go pale, and he was suddenly sweating bullets. "Uhmm, you have fun with that Juvia..." She smirked at his reaction to her announcement. "Welp, i'm going to make some-" She was interrupted by Gray's finger shushing her. "I already took care of that; it was the least that I could do after I just came back into your life unexpectedly.....well other than take off of work to take care of the kids......and trying to get us to be on good terms again, after I told you the truth..." Juvia stopped his rambling. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALREADY DAMN IT!" She yelled. "Now get out!!!" She slapped him playfully, then went to get dressed. 

Juvia's POV

  I spent wayyyyyyy too much time in the shower. Its just that water seems to be my calm place, and i'm in my own world whenever i'm in or near it. So, I got out of the shower and picked out of my clothes for today. Hmmm, a cropped sweatshirt and biker shorts should be cute for today. Oh, and a wig of course; I don't need the paparazzi following me all day. I chose a black, wavy, long wig to match my outfit. PERFECT!!!!! I dropped my towel and proceeded to lotion myself. As I went to put my makeup on before my clothes, so I wouldn't mess them up, someone opened my door, and that someone was NOT expected. "Hey Juvia, I just wanted to let you know th-" I screamed and threw a bottle of lotion at him. "GRAY YOU FUCKING PERVERT! GET OUT! YOU AREN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE IN HERE! AND SHOULDN'T YOU KNOW TO KNOCK BEFORE YOU OPEN ANY DOORS?!?" I felt the heat rushing rapidly to my face as he left the room. I hope he didn't see anything.... 

Meanwhile, outside the room....

  Shit. I really shouldn't have done that. Now I know she's pissed with me. Why did I not knock on the damn door? But I was definitely right about her  boobs growing......those things are at least an F cup or more.....those would make the perfect pillows..... I really need to get my mind out of the gutter. I'm gonna apologize to her as soon as she comes out of there..... But for now, I'll just go and play with triple threat.

  Juvia came out a few minutes later, and tried her best to avoid Gray. She didn't want to see him after that awkward moment they just had. She was literally at the door ready to leave, when the devil himself showed up. "I'm sorry Juvia, I didn't mean to. I swear!" Her face was red as a tomato, and she turned away from his gaze quickly. "It's okay I guess. Just tell triple threat I'll be back later." As she went to step out the door, he grabbed her by the waist and turned her to face him. Before she could react, he hugged her tightly and then let go. "Be safe Juv, see ya later." She just stood there confused, then returned the energy. Juvia, you can't let yourself get hurt again. Don't fall for him so easily. Juvia thought to herself as she drove off to meet Gajeel. While she was driving, something told her to turn up the radio. So she did.

  Aannnnnnddddd we're back! Im your host, Kinana! And I'm your co-host Lisanna! We have some juicy news about Mizu Tenshi Jubia and get this.....CEO of Fullbuster Inc, Gray Fullbuster! The two were spotted by sources outside of a hospital about a month ago.....KISSING?!? What is the relationship status between these two, and what we're they doing at the hospital? ......I guess we'll have to find out by getting some interview time with the two. That's it for the rumor has it all report! Now enjoy some music!

  Great, now Gajeel definitely already knows....stupid paparazzi! I thought I was safe....that happened a month ago......guess I was wrong...... Kuso! Kuso! Kuso!  She cursed as she pulled into her brothers driveway. Juvia reluctantly knocked on the door, and to her surprise Levy answered it. Instantly, Juvia was greeted with a big hug from the small blunette.

"Hey Lev. Is the devil here?"
"No, but he'll be back soon. I sent him to go and get me some food."
"Oh okay! So how are you doing? We haven't talked in a while."
"I'm okay I guess. I just have morning sickness, cravings and mood swings....."
"OMG! You're pregnant again Levy?!? Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

  Just then Gajeel walked in, and Juvia sweatdropped. "Well ya won't be happy much longer rainwoman.....I'm gonna kill ya."
"Gajeel, that's not nice! Just because she kissed Gray doesn't mean you have to kill the poor girl!" Levy defended Juvia.
"Stay out of this, would ya shrimp?!?"
Levy rolled her eyes and gave Juvia a sympathetic look. "Sorry sis, I can't help you anymore."
Levy got her food from the seething Gajeel, then went in the kitchen with Mirai. They would eat while Gajeel 'killed' Juvia.

"What the hell were ya thinking, kissing that ass wipe Juvia?!?"
"Gajeel I'm sorry, it just happened. I was sad, he was apologizing, and it just felt so right at the moment. And since when did you care so much about my love life?" She said sarcastically.
"Since he left ya with three kids to look after by yourself! I don't want my little sister to get hurt again! Ya were a complete mess when he left ya, and now you're kissing him?!? I don't think that's a smart move is all I'm sayin."
"It's my life Gajeel! You can't tell me how to live it, or who to kiss and who not to kiss! If I wanna kiss him I will, I know how to look after myself! I already know not to get too deep into this whole thing. He's probably gonna leave soon anyway."
"If ya know that, then why the hell is he allowed to see the kids?"
"I-I don't know.....I guess I just wanted to let them..
orlikehesstayinginmyhouseoranythinglikethat......." She mumbled those last parts quickly, in hopes that Gajeel wouldn't catch that. Boy was she wrong!
"HE WHAT! YA LET HIM STAY IN YOUR HOUSE?!? Rainwoman, you're already in too deep in my opinion. If he hurts ya again, don't say I didn't warn ya...and don't come cryin to me either......I can't believe ya Juvia......" With that Gajeel just walked away, leaving Juvia in the living room. Without hesitation she stormed out of the house, and headed to the studio to see Mira. She needed someone to vent to, someone that she knew was gonna listen to what she needed to say.

"Hey Mira, I need to vent. Can we sit down and talk please?"
"Yeah of course Juvi."
"Okay here goes. So, it all started when I ran into Gray at the supermarket......."


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