♥~Airport//I Love You 3000~♥

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The next day...

"Come on Gray! We overslept! We have to hurry up or you won't make your flight!"

"Oh shit! Your right! I'll get my bags!"

"I'll get Triple threat! I'll make a quick breakfast to go!"

  This day was off to a rough start. They rushed to brush teeth, do hair, get dressed, and make sure Gray had everything he needed for his trip to London. In 30 minutes, they were out the door and in the car. Juvia got a call from Mira.

"Yeah what's up Mira?"

"Where are you guys?!? We're all waiting for you guys to show up!"

"Sorry about that, we overslept. But we're on our way now, so we should be there in like 15 minutes!"

"Okay just hurry up! Gray's flight leaves in 30!"

"Okay well be there with 15 to spare! See you in a few!"

"Alright, see you!"

15 minutes later...

  They rushed through the doors of the airport, and met up with everyone else. "Hey guys, sorry we were late! We overslept." Juvia said out of breath from running with Snow on her back. "Oh really? Did ya get laid by Ice Prick one more time before he leaves last night?" Natsu said, slapping Gray on the back. "No Flambrain!..........It was more like five." Gray stated plainly. "Gray! Shut up!" Juvia said, turning crimson.

  "Mommy what's laid?" Snow asked from on Juvia's back. In an instant, she put her down, and turned away quickly. Gajeel choked on the water he was drinking, and everyone else stifled laughter. "Ummmm.....it's something you don't need to know until your older." She managed to squeak out. With that, everyone burst out laughing. After the laughter died down, it was for Gray to say his goodbyes.

  "Levy, I'm sure gonna miss making fun of you. Take care of yourself Shrimp, and Juvia too."

  "Erza I will definitely not miss you yelling at me. But I will miss you and your  sister like attitude towards me. See you in two years."

  "Lucy, I'm gonna miss seeing you beat the crap out of Flambrain when he pissed you off. I'm just glad it's not me getting kicked. Anyway, see you later."

  "Mira, thanks a lot for meddling in my relationship with Juvia. If you didn't, we probably wouldn't even be together right now. Seriously, I can't thank you enough. See you later."

  "Meredy, thanks for taking a chance on my train wreck of a cousin. I'm just kidding, but thanks for taking him seriously and staying through all of his rough patches. And thanks for not hating me anymore, I'll make sure Juvia and I are forever."

  "Lyon, I guess I'll miss you or whatever. I'm happy you found love easily, and that you know that you and Meredy are gonna be forever. Take care of the company okay?"

  "See ya around Laxus. Take care of Mira."

  "I hate you Flambrain. Take care of Lucy and try not to get killed. I wanna be that one to kill you. See ya!"

  "Bye Jellal, make sure you take care of Erza, or I'll kill you."

  "Gajeel ummm.....bye. Thanks for not killing me."

  "Bye Storm and Nashi. Quit sucking face will ya?!? Poor Sylviana, having to see that all the time.  I'll see you later okay? "

  Then it was time to say goodbye to triple threat and Juvia.

  "Hey guys, I have to go now okay? But I love you guys so much, and I can't wait to get back to you. I'll make sure I call you guys just about every day, I swear. You guys are my world, so I can't imagine not seeing your faces. I'll call you as soon as I get off of the plane okay? I love you guys!"

"We love you too daddy!" Triple threat said as they jumped all over Gray.

  "I love you Juvia. I'll be back for you." Gray  said, then he started kissing her passionately. "I love you too Gray~sama." She said, as they broke the kiss.

  Gray then waved to everyone and made his way to the gate, since it was time to board the plane. Before he went in, he heard tiny feet running behind him. He turned around and saw Snow.

"Daddy! Daddy! I love you 3000!"

  "I love you 3000 Snow."

And with that, Gray went through the gate and was off to London.

Ily3000 is not my line guys. If you've watched Endgame it's from there. I own no credit for that line. Until next chapter! Xoxo FT_Rules 👆❤

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