♥~Venting Session//Drunk Juvia~♥

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"And then he told me what happened for him to break off the engagement and break up with me......."
"And then Snow had a seizure the same day that........."

Juvia finally finished her story about 15 minutes later, and Mira was trying not to smile. She was happy that they met up again. In fact, she had literally just talked to Gray right after Juvia made that song.

"Yeah Mira, it's Gray."
"Oh hey Gray! How have you been Mr. Successful?"
"Haha, very funny Mira. I've been better, but you knew that already."
"Okay okay. I actually was just about to call you. I wanted to tell you that Juvia made a song about you."
"And why are you telling me this? Are you trying to hurt me or something?"
"No, I just wanted to tell you that she cried while making the song. And she literally made that song right on the spot in like two minutes."
"And? What am I supposed to do? Waltz back into her life like absolutely nothing happened!?"
"No! No that's not what I'm saying. Just- I don't know, find a way to make this right. She misses you, no matter what front she puts up, and you know damn well you miss her."
"Ughhhhhh, I don't know Mira. Look I'll call you later, I have alot of work to do."
"'Kay I'll talk to you later."
End of flashback

It was pure coincidence that they ran into each other that same weekend. And an even better coincidence they were able to get on good terms again so quickly, that Juvia let him stay in her house. "Wow Juvia, you've been through a lot. I'm happy you decided to talk to me about it." She said. "Yeah, but Gajeel is being a dick about this!" Juvia shouted in a fit of anger. "Well, how so?" Juvia scoffed. "Its because......."

6 hours later

The venting session was finally over, and it was 10pm. "Holy shit! I've been here for way too long. I have to get home, I hope the kids are okay. Oh what am I saying? Gray knows how to take care of kids... okay, I'm gonna go now. Love you Mira, see you later. Maybe tomorrow, I'll see." With that, Juvia was off again, this time going home. First, she stopped and got her favorite - Chinese food. She decided to be thoughtful, and even got Gray's favorite thing off the menu. Next, she went to the liquor store to get two bottles. One was Pineapple Vodka and the other was Passion Fruit Moscato. She wanted to drink her problems away, even though they would only come back in the morning. She finally got home, and it was midnight by then. As soon as she opened the door, Gray bombarded her with questions.

"So, where were you?"
"Minding my business. Try it Gray."
"Seriously, just tell me. I was worried about you, and so was triple threat."
"Okay fine. I was at Gajeel's house, then I went to the studio to see Mira."
"Mhm. Anything else?" He said, hinting at the bags she had in her hands. Juvia rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"I got chinese food for both of us, and two bottles of alcohol."
"Oh. You didn't have to get me anything. I don't deserve that kind of treatment. It should be the other way around."
"Whatever. Just accept it, I got your favorite thing off the menu."
"Wait, you still know what that is? Even after four years?"
"Yes Gray. It's fried dumplings with fried chicken and french fries."
"Wow, thanks Juvia. You're the best."

  They sat in front of the TV and ate their food in a comforting silence. After they finished eating, they had a conversation about their lives now. They both said things along the lines of great, stressful, and boring at times. Then Juvia told Gray all about what Gajeel said about this situation. "Gajeel is a dick. I really despise him right now." She said with tears in her eyes. Gray scooted next to her and gave her a comforting hug. "Hey its okay. Don't stress about it. It's my fault he's upset, so I'm sorry." Juvia looked at him. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean he needs to be so mean to me. Whatever, I need a drink."

  She got up, went into the kitchen, and came back out with the bottle of Moscato. Without hesitation she popped the bottle open, and took a long chug from it. "Juviaaaa, I don't think you should do that..." Gray said with a clear worried tone in his voice. Juvia just held her hand up to shush him while she took another long chug. "Don't worry about me Gray. I'm gonna go for a walk, clear my mind. I'll be back later." She claimed nonchalantly.  Before she went to the door, she grabbed the bottle of pimeapple Vodka she had in the kitchen. "Juvia, what the hell?!? You can't go out like that!"Gray exclaimed. She completely ignored him, and walked, or stumbled, out. She was already pretty tipsy from drinking half the bottle of Moscato.

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