♥~Telling//Hurt Her Again....and I WILL Kill You~♥

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A chapter full of conversations. That's pretty much it. Enjoy!

About 30 minutes later...

  By time Juvia and Gray finished telling everyone how they got back together, the girls were all smiling. They were all happy for them, and they told Juvia that she could leave since she was off the hook.

"What about Gray?"

"What about him?" Erza asked, with a smug look on her face.
"Isn't he off the hook too?"

"Yes, but there is something we would like to talk to him about. And besides, I think you have some talking you need to do with Gajeel." She whispered, while discreetly looking his way. He looked pissed, and he was staring at Gray with a look that could kill.

"I guess you're right. Besides, I haven't talked to Gajeel-kun since he found out the first time I kissed Gray."

"Okay, well go fix your sibling rivalry with him. Triple threat will just play in here for a while."

Juvia went over to Gajeel, and she was nervous.

"What the hell do ya want rainwoman? I'm in no mood to talk to you right now."

"Just shut up and come outside. We need to talk. Now."

"Fine, but I don't know what there is to talk about anyway."

They headed outside to have a talk.


Erza: "So Gray, what are your intentions with Juvia?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Lucy: "What do you want out of this relationship Gray?"

"Um, love? Juvia? What else do you want me to say?"

Levy:"We just don't want her to get hurt again, that's all."

"You think I want that to happen again?!?"

Erza:"Good. Be prepared to die if you hurt her in the least bit. That's all, you're off the hook."

"Okay then."

Lucy and Levy:"Yeah, she's like our sister. Hurt her and we kill you."

Levy:"I think Gajeel wants to talk to you, so you might not want to leave just yet...."


"So how long have ya been dating that asshole?"

"He's not an asshole Gajeel. And we've been back together for two weeks."

"And ya couldn't tell me?"

"I didn't think you would wanna hear about it. Clearly, I was right."

"What don't ya get rainwoman?!? I don't want ya to get hurt again, that's all. I hate to see ya sad, and I think this is a stupid mistake. When he leaves again what the fuck are you telling the kids? That he died? They'll see right through that, cuz he'll be all over TV."

"Do you have no faith in me, you Scrap Metal Bastard?!? I can handle my own life! I don't need you to tell me what I should do! Just let me handle my own life for once. I know mom and dad wanted you to protect me, but I don't think this is what they meant. Can you please respect my decision for once?"

"Fine, but I'm gonna talk to him...."

"No killing! I'm serious."

"Fine, I'm sorry for yelling at you and being mean to you Juvia."

"It's okay Gajeel-kun. Are we cool again?"

"Yeah I guess."



Juvia went back inside and got Gray.

"Gajeel-kun wants to talk to you right now."

<gulp>"Okay...." *turns white as paper*

He hugged Juvia before he walked out to his doom.

"Wish me luck baby..."

"Good luck Gray~sama! Don't worry, I told him not to kill you."

"That makes me feel a little better...."


"So, you wanted to talk to me Gajeel?"

"Yeah, ya prick. I wanna talk to you about my little sister. Ya know what ya did to her was a complete asshole move, right?"

"Y-yeah. I should have just told her what was going on, instead of making her think it was her fault. I was completely selfish, and it looked even worse cuz she was pregnant, and we were about to get married."

"Damn right it did! Do ya know how sad she looked?!? I haven't seen her that sad since our parents died! That's how much she FUCKING loved you. Every goddamned day, she would be blaming herself for you leaving her. I'm surprised she even said a word to ya in the store."

"I am too, I know I fucked up so damn bad. If I could go back in time and change that, I would. But I can't, so the only thing I can do is make it up to her. I'm lucky she even gave me this second chance, cuz I thought for sure that I lost her for good."

"Don't think I forgive you just yet. I ain't as nice as rainwoman, so it'll take a lot of effort on your part to make me forgive what you did to her."

"I'll do whatever it takes to make it up. But I ain't doing this for your approval, I'm doing it because I'm in love with Juvia. I need to know that, more than anything, that I'm not going anywhere."

"Whatever prick. Just know, you hurt her again, and I will absolutely kill you. Got that?"

"Well I'm not worried about that. I know I won't make the same dumbass mistake Gajeel. I can't lose her again."

"You better not Gray. She loves you, more than anything. So just treat her right."

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