♥~Happy Birthday//Joy's of Life~♥

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Short chapter! I'm not doing all details, and sorry for the slow update....writers block is a bitch!

4 months later....Juvia's POV

  I woke up cheerfully and got out of bed. Or at least tried to, because Gray~sama was holding me in his sleep. So I carefully wiggled out of his grasp, and made my way to the kitchen. Today was the most special day EVER!!! What is so special about this specific day you ask? It's March 7th, which is triple threats birthday.

  And it is also Gray~sama's birthday. Coincidence right? You can only imagine how sad I was before, not having Gray around to celebrate with them. But now, I finally get to have the best day ever with my family. Of course, I forgot to tell Gray, stupid Juvia! But it will just be even more of a surprise for him now.

  I went to the kitchen and began to make the best birthday breakfast ever. For triple threat, I'm making cheesy omelettes, bacon, and pancakes. For Gray~sama, I'm making French toast, bacon, and fried eggs. While I was flipping the pancakes and french toast, I felt a familiar presence behind me.

  It was Gray~sama's, he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck, making me moan softly. "Well good morning to you too Gray~sama. Or should I say...HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAY~SAMA!"  I said cheerfully. "Thanks babe, I love you so much. Oh, are you making french toast? My favorite!" He exclaimed like a child, and I giggled at this action.

  I finished the pancakes and french toast, and before I could even think about starting the rest of the food, he turned me around and kissed me. "Well, what was that for?" I asked after we parted lips. "Well am I not allowed to kiss my girl whenever I want?" He said then slapped my ass playfully.

  "I have a surprise for you....it should be here in a few minutes." I said casually. "Oh really? Alright I can't wait to see what it is." He said, with curiosity plaguing his voice. I finished up the rest of the food, and triple threat made their way to the kitchen. Right on cue! "Okay I guess I can tell you what the surprise is now Gray~sama."

"Happy birthday Grayson, Grady and Snow!" They hugged me and I looked over to Gray. His jaw practically fell out of his face, and I laugh at his reaction. "For real Juvia? This is the best day of my life! I couldn't ask for a better family, and I mean it." Before I could even knew what was going on, we're engaged in a mini make out session.

  "Ewwww, mommy and daddy are kissing!" We just ignored them, and kept making out. I realized I had to feed everyone, then broke the kiss. "Come on everyone, time to eat! I made your favorites!"  They sat down, and I served their food and watched them eat. I wasn't hungry, I was too excited.

  After breakfast, I told everyone to get dressed and meet me in the living room. I told them I would be taking them out for a day of fun.


  "Happy birthday to you!" We all sang as Gray~sama and triple threat blew out the candles. We cut cake, ate and laughed. Today was the best day ever! I took Snow shopping in the mall, and sent the boys go kart racing. Then we all went to an ice skating rink, then out for lunch. Then I surprised them with a little party with all of our friends.

  "Hey babe? Are you okay?" Gray said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded. "Just thinking about how much fun today was, and how I can't wait to do this again." He gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Yeah, can't wait. I love you Juvia."

"I love you too Gray~sama."


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