Chapter 1 : Proving the rights

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" could you do this to me.......after all I've done for you, I help you in many ways.......I sacrifice for you in many ways, I make you feel happy in many possible ways, and this is what I get for a return? Why Yoongi....why?" I whined as the rain keep pouring down dropping every single drop on to my skin

"Gracial, I'm a grown man now, I can make my own decisions, which means I can do whatever I want without anyone telling me things." Yoongi says as he was standing in front of me facing bakwards. "I'm 18 and I can be free like a butterfly, besides I found another girl who loves me more than you love me. Yeah you did a lot for me so all I got to say is thank you. I didn't asked you to do all of that since you were so "desperate" to do so, and I don't mind. Its time for you to move on and get a life. Don't even bother to try and fall in love again, I warned you every boys are the same, you'll just get more upsetting by loving them. See you later Gracial." His long last words before he disappear into the rain leave me shivers down my spine.

I cry, tears slowly kneeling down on the middle of the street accompany only by the street lights. I bang the ground so hard until blood squiggles out from my hand. I was so heartbroken and disappointed by the only man that I ever loved for almost 5 years, left me here for some other girls.

.....what's wrong with my life......

I need to move on and show him that I can be a better and open minded person that he'll ever regret.

....I can show him that I can fall in love again.....

Many years had passed thought I still haven't got a boyfriend. All the efforts I put was like a piece of paper getting scrambled and throw in a bin.

....maybe Yoongi was right.....

.....maybe all the boys here are just like him....

Don't ever say that I didn't try, I did try a lot. Several boys I flirt but all of them ignore and just made me felt embarrassed. Some of them also said mean things like "you're ugly" and "a girl like you will get a hot guy like me? Not a chance dutchbag" and that just make me almost lose control for falling in love.

But luckily, there is this one guy that did flirt with me but.....that didn't work out. Turns out, he is a total player that date and hooked up with..... I don't know 20 girls? Even an elderly and that is just disgusting.

From that moment, I decided to stop getting in a relationship because those will just made me feel scare and sad. Hence, I just focus on my life and dream about want I want to be in the future but instead.....

"Hi I'm Gracial, welcome to McDonalds and what would you like to order?" I friendly ask and greet myself to the customer.


I'm a cashier at McDonalds.....

It's not like I want too. I did finish high school and was ready to go for college. But my parents split their own ways and none of them wants to take care of me. This was right before I started high school.

So I stayed at my grandma's house since then. She was the one taking care of me for all these years. Thus she doesn't earn enough money, she still gave her everything.

But for college, the fee are really expensive and I don't want to burden my grandma's help again. So I decide to find myself a job just enough for me to attend the college when I'm ready and also rent a house to help myself live on my own from now.

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