Chapter 9 : Sick

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Gracial's POV

It's been a week or so and our project is finally finished.

I sigh in relieve and rest on the sofa while eating popcorn. I still can't get over the fact Min!! That stupid freaking piece of-

Ding dong~

I sigh and make my way to the door while mumble to myself. It better not be those two freaking idiots peace of-

"Hey Gracial!" Sakura and Jungkook shout together showing their yellow teeths.

Owh wow what a surprise, it's Sakura and Jungkook, yeah what a surprise....

"Seriously guys? Why do you guys have to come here like every single night?"

They make their way in and as usual, sit on the sofa and brought food and drinks.

Well.... they always bought foods and drinks.... so I don't mind, but at the same time, really annoyed.

"It's a habit now Gracial!" She smiles and set the food.

I sigh and walk over to the sofa.

"Gracial..." Jungkook call me.

"What?" I said with an attitude still not looking at him.

He walk over to sit beside me.

"Why here? There's a lot of seats over there, still you want-"

"Do you hate me?" His eyes was starring deeply into me looking all serious.

I've never seen him with that serious look on him. Usually I will just joke it off. But he seems so.... real about it.

I didn't answer him, so he lean in closer making me fall back on the sofa and he is on top of me.

We stayed in that position for minutes until he spoke...

"Gracial... do you really hate me..." His eyes now turn to sad. I could see a tear filling in his left eye.

"I....I..." I shutters and shaking but I try my best to be serious. "What are you talking about Jungkook? Hehe of course I hate you hehe." I jokingly lied and and my heart start pounding fast.

I mean he is literally on top of me and-

"I like you..." he whisper beside my ear.

My eyes widened and start to shutters again.

"J-jung... jungkook...." he lean back to look at me.

Our face were inches and I could feel his breath on mine.

I stood there feeling shock but I don't really know how to feel hit me. The flashback hits me...

I warned you every boys are the same, you'll just get more upsetting by loving them....'ll just get more upsetting by loving them....

...all the boys are the same...


That's right! All the boys are the same. Which means, Jungkook is playing me too. Hahaha.

I push him off making him fall on the floor and he whine "ouch"

I quickly stand up and get a bit far away from him.

He get up, holding his butt from the pain.

"Gracial what's wrong-"

"You're the wrong! Don't think I'm that stupid Jungkook. Don't think I'm a fool! You men, just really want to mess with girls right? Because why? Girls are weaks. And you men, just want to play with their hearts, and later, cheat with them! Breaking their hearts! AND FUCKING FUCK THEM AND NOT TAKING ANY RESPONSIBILITY!!!" I finally let out all the feelings out.

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