Chapter 12 : I'm hire again

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I wake up to the sound of someone talking beside me. I slowly open my eyes. It was kinda blurry and I couldn't see anything but white.

This white vision sort of familiar to me. I tried focusing, and I realize it was the hospital's ceilings. I'm in the hospital again?

I don't remember much except that I passed out after after getting block by big heavy things. I tried to sit up and the one talking beside me, notices me and look at me, holding my hand.

"Gracial! You're awake! Thank god you're finally awake!" Sakura said in a happy voice.

I smiled at her and ask her how I end up here.

"Well, you got crashed by heavy boxes and I immediately help you to get out but it was too heavy. When Jungkook saw you were being punch, he immediately release himself and punch Min many times until he couldn't no more. Then he quickly help me moving out all the boxes while I call the ambulance." She explain.

I kinda felt guilty and relieve for them for helping me out.

Then Jungkook came behind the curtains and look at me worried and happy a little.

"Gracial, are you feeling better now?" He was really soft and his hand holds my hand, caressing it softly.

He look worried, so I gave him a smile.

"I'm fine Jungkook, thank you for helping me."

He smiled showing his bunny teeth.

"Ehem, ehem..." we both look at Sakura who is crossing her hands and looking disbelief.

"Only him?"

And we both laugh.

"You too my little cutie bestie."

"Bestie?" She ask in surprise.

"Yeah, you're my bestie Sakura! Thank you for helping me!" I hug her and she hug me bag while giving a, I supposed fake tears hahaha.

Then I saw a man with a suit came into the room. It was Manager Joon.

Well I didn't expect him to come and visit me after I got fired, but I felt touched that he actually came. He's a really nice guy after all.

"How are you feeling Gracial? Feeling better?" He asks.

"Yes sir, hmm I didn't expect you to come and visit me but I really appreciate that you would come here out of pity." I answer him letting out a smile.

He sigh and went to have a sit on a chair beside my bed.

"I need to have a word with you." He look down.

I understood the situation and I gesture Jungkook and Sakura to give some time. They both nodded and walk away after both of them whisper "fighting" to me.

He took a deep breath before speaking up.

"I'm sorry Gracial..."

Sorry? For the fired thing? No, I don't think so but why-

"I was being such a selfish CEO that I didn't care and didn't believe about what the other workers said."

I was confused. I don't know what he was talking about. I just stay silent waiting for him to explain more so that I can fully understand him.

"Gracial, I'm sorry that I fired you. If you really want to work there again, I can hire you back right now." He finally look at me and his emotions was rather disappointed and sad.

I didn't expect that he would say sorry for firering me, so I ask him.

"I'm sorry sir but, what change your mind to hire me back?"

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