Chapter 8 : The Project

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"The person that will be joining us is, Min, the one that you mention at the cafe but I never got the chance to tell you..."


"Well now should be the time to tell me about him. What's so wrong about him anyway?" I ask her.

" see-"

"What are you guys doing? Talking in the middle of the work. Don't make me do something that will make you guys regret okey. Get back to work!" Manager Joon yell at us making all three of us quickly back to working.


Finally... home at last...

Ring ring~

"Mosyi mosyi~"

"Hey Gracial, about the project, can we start tomorrow?" Sakura call me.

"But tomorrow is Sunday." I whine because I just want to have my time relaxing.

"Aww c'mon, if we do this faster then we can have the rest day to relax."

"Uhhh fine. So, where should we discuss?"

"At your house. We will gather-"

"WHAT?! Why my house?"

"Jungkook told me that you got netflix."

"Hey Sakura, we're trying to do our work, not watch netflix."

"Aww please. It'll be bored without some movies. Pleaseeeee~"

"......fine but-"

"Arigatona Gracial! We'll be there at 2 p.m. Bye~"

She hungs up before I even get to say something. Hmmm not my house.... I'm too lazy to clean things up.

You sigh but did it anyways after a bit of relaxing.


Ding Dong~

"Gracial! We're here~" Sakura shout out loud since the door is locked.

"Coming~" I unlocked the door and open it revealing Sakura and Jungkook.

Great, Jungkook is here too...

"I bought some foods, we can eat it during break time." Sakura show me the plastic full of foods and head to the kitchen to set it up.

Well that's weird, where's Min? I look at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, where's Min?" I ask.

"I don't know. Sakura called him many times but he didn't answer, so we just gave up." He said as he made his way towards the sofa.

"Guys, I set the food, lets get on with the design firs-"

"Sakura, what happen to Min?" I ask her as I take a seat on the other sofa.

"Oh Min... well I believe that, he will not joining us or helping us to do any of these project."

"What? why?" I ask out of the curiosity.

"Well... 3 years ago. Everyone was afraid of him, and still is. He will bully other workers to do his work for him. If they refuse, he will tell the CEO to fire him and I know this sounds unlogical but it really does happen. 2 years ago, there were at least 10 people that got fired each month and last year, 23 people got fired on July."

"But how does he even manage to tell the CEO to fire them?" I lean in closer to her trying to know more about this "Min" guy.

"He is the boyfriend of the CEO's daughter. The daughter always tell her father nice thing about Min, that's why each year, he always got promoted but in reality, he's a demon. That's why the CEO always listen to him because he thought, he was telling the truth."

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