Chapter 2 : Got a weirdo

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"Hi I'm Gracial, welcome to McDonalds and what would you like?" I friendly ask and greet myself to the customer.

"May I have the spicy chicken mcdeluxe set and I want coca cola please..." answer the customer while looking at the menu on the top of the counter.
(P.s. : wish the customer would be this nice lol)

"Alright sir, I'll be announcing your number when we're done," I answer the customer with a forced-smile face.

"Okay thank you," says the customer as he walk back to his table.

"ONE SPICY CHICKEN MCDELUXE SET, ONE COCA COLA DRINK!" I shouted at the back so that the other workers got my message.


Having my job sticking around all day, is force to be friendly with the customers although there are and still have, customers that doesn't expected what goes their way. Yeah that's just......dumb

Hours had passed and now its time to change my shift. I'll do the mopping and cleaning while the others worker work as a cashier or to what I call "behind a beautiful mask there's the stupid devil."

As I were mopping while dancing around at the back, I happened to reach at the manager's office. I heard the manager talk to some who I don't even know... about working here as their first day today.

"Well, I'm bored why not just listen, it is not that much of a privacy.....I guess". I lean my ear against the door but couldn't quite catch the sound. I went to the kitchen and take a glass and lean it between the door on my ear to hear it better.

"Congratulations Jeon Jungkook, you are hired to work here. Make sure you don't lack off or anything alright? This is your first day so I want you to have a look around the place." Says the manager to maybe that boy, Jungkook.

"Thank you so much sir, I promise that I will do my very best here. Thank you again for hiring me." He answer with an excited and grateful tone.

Lets be honest, why would anyone be so happy getting hired at a normal restaurant like these. I mean yeah at least he got there job. Be grateful.

"Hahaha, no need to thank me, now lets head out." The manager laughs as I hear footsteps coming towards the door.

I was still listening while standing at that freaking door looking like an idiot duckling. When the door suddenly open, I almost fall to the floor but that Jungkook boy manage to hold me before anything happen, and I quickly caught the glass before it breaks to shatters.

"Gracial? What are you doing here? You were suppose to be working not wondering around, and what's with the glass? Mopping doesn't need a glass." Ask the manager with a confuse expression look.

"Hehehe, sorry sir, some worker just gave me this glass for......I-I mean for n-no I j-just..... t-ook it?...."
I mutters and laugh it off, trying so hard, he doesn't caught me off guard that I was listening to their conversation.

"Well that's Gracial, being as weird as always. Anyways since you are here, why not give this Mr. Jeon here a tour around the place. He's the new worker her so please be nice to him." He says as he put a hand on Mr. Jeon's shoulder insuring that this is Mr. Jeon.

I am a bit upset, why would the manager pick me to tour this.....ummm strange but extremely cute guy around? But on the bright side, he did safe your life though so without any hesitation, I just nod it off to avoid having chances getting fired.

"Great, now Mr. Jeon if you want anything, I'll be in my office and for you missy, don't lack around again. I'm watching you...." He warned me before he went back to his office.

"S-sure do sir...."

The manager went back into his office and me, with that don't give a shit look, helping this "Mr. Jeon" around.  We were quite awkward since no one introduce themselves so I decided to cut those scenarios out.

"So uhh, you're Jeon Jungkook right? I'm Grac-"

"Yes I'm Jungkook but you can call me kookie and you're Gracial, yes, I knew that." He said with a freaking blank face.

I stood there pausing for a moment, don't know how to react. Is this kid even a teen? what?

"Umm, I'll just call you Jungkook, kookie sounds to childish for a boy like you." I look at him with a disgusting look.

"Hey I'm a man okay. I'm mature enough to do whatever I want." He confessed with that bitchy girl look.

"Yeah well I don't give a shit about that. Anyways-"


"Excuse me?"

"Says the one who swears in front of a 20 year old," said Jungkook still trying to win the fight.

".......owh, so I guess we're the same age, now that just made it even worse," I sigh

"Yeah like I said, rude~"

"Uhh whatever Mr. Jeon."

I show him around the kitchen, yeah just the kitchen, nothing much but the sound of him singing songs, it was shockingly tremendous.

It was like 5 minutes and the tour finally ends here.

"That's all for the tour and your payment will be $1000, thank you very much."

"A FREAKING $1000- I ain't paying it plus this tour should be free and you didn't even tell any much details, you just walk pass everything and said "this is a refrigerator, its for putting stuff, and this is the grill, its for grilling your ass up and and and that's all." Nah, I'm going to tell the manager."

"Eh okey okey fine fine its free, just please don't tell." I whisper to him, begging him not to tell the boss.

"Hahahaha scaredy cat..." he laugh.


That's what my day in a McDonalds have got into. Finally after hours of working and mostly just being like a babysitter, my work shift is over and I can finally go back home and relax.... for now.....

The next day....

I wake up a bit late today maybe because of the amount of tiredness working, especially with that baby Jungkook around, yeah, but I still managed to come in 3 minutes late and went straight to cashier.

"Good morning scaredy cat, awww~ someone is a bit late today," Jungkook said as he lean back against the wall with his crossed arm.

"Shut up baby," I said as I was so annoyed by his appearance.



After a nice, yeah nice greeting with Jungkook, I start taking the orders. Few moments later, there came a blonde hair lady with those cat eyes make up, wearing a Gucci top with jaguar spot on and a short black pants with a Louis Vuitton bag.

"Hi I'm Gracial, welcome to McDonalds and what would you like?" I lovely ask the customer with...again force-smile.

"Hi, I would like-'re that bitch who dated my boyfriend hahahaha oh my good look at you now, you're such a pig HAHAHAHA" the customer cursed and laugh at me.

I was confused at first but when she said "dated my boyfriend" I remember clearly now.

.....yup it's my long long enemy.....


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