Chapter 6 : New Job

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"Hi there new employee." A sound of a soft voice coming from the side. She stood up making me see her face fully. "I'm Sakura Miyawaki, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Umm hi.... I'm Gracial, nice meeting you too." I shake her hand.

She is really gorgeous though. She has those cuteness of what a Japanese has, obviously she's Japanese. Her calm and cute voice, uh~ already give me goosebumps, I'm already falling for her....

No, I'm not a lesbian...


I'm still working on the computer, then I heard a voice from behind.

"Psst, hey Gracial, it's lunch time. Lets go eat." She said from behind me.

When did she even got here?

"Umm sure, but I need to finish some stuff first. You go ahead, I'll catch up." I said still my eyes focus on the screen not looking at her.

"Ahh come on, you can continue that later, please I got no friends here." She look at me and gave her those aegyo face.

Well, I can't say no to that. Fine, at least I can still continue after work.

"Alright, alright, lets go." I stood up and she quickly hold my arm, making our way down to the cafeteria.


We both chit chat about some random stuff. Then I happen to look in front and notice a person. It really look similar to who I saw from the past, but I just don't really know who.

"Hey Gracial! Are you in reality or not?" Sakura snap his fingers in front my face but I still didn't notice her. "EARTH TO GRACIAL!! ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!" She use a freaking megaphone that she pull out of nowhere, making everyone's eyes on us. Literally....

"Hey! Are you serious? A megaphone?! Where did you even get that?" I look at her feeling a little embarrass.

"Well, I don't know where you were. I tried calling your name, but you still got no movement. So I just had to bring out my special weapon." She smiled trying to look innocent.

Uh... no wonder she got no friends. With a megaphone? Oh my god. Thank god I still have my patience.

"Anyway Sakura, do you know that guy?" I point at the guy that I said look familiar to me.

She turn around to see and look back at me, rolling her eyes.

"Girl, he's the worst. I mean literally the worst." She said while sipping her Starbucks Americano.

"Tell me..." I lean in wanted to know more about him.

"Well-" Her phone alarm rings, ruining all the mood. Why does she have her alarm on at this hour?

"Well, that's the ring. It means lunch is over, come on lets go." She said as she grab her bag and sit up from her chair.

"Wait! You didn't tell me about him yet!"

"Maybe some other time but right now, I gotta go pew pew." She then ran to the toilet leaving me sitting here all confuse and irritating.

I sigh and clean myself and get back to work.


I reached home finally, feeling really exhausted. This was just the first day, not even half way through the year yet. Uhhhh

I showered and wear a comfortable clothes. I relax on the sofa watching whatever is there. Then I heard my doorbell ring.

Ding Dong ~

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