Chapter 7 : Stop following me

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"Hello angry hamster~"

"What do you want weirdo..." I give him a "I don't give a shit" look.

"Let me in, I want to play-"

"Nope." I close the door but he immediately let in a foot inside so that the door won't close.

"Aww c'mon Gracial," he put his hand inside making him half of his body inside the house.

"Jungkook, I will literally call the police if you don't back up, right now." I said trying closing the door.

"I promise you that I'll go back home by 10." He put up his pinky trying to make pinky promises with me. "Please~" showing his puppy eyes of his again.

I didn't realize, that I was blushing a little and finally let him in.

He went to sit on the sofa putting his head lean against the back of it. I close the door, making sure I locked it before I go back washing dishes.

"Hey Gracial," he said as he saw me walking towards the kitchen.

"What weirdo?" Raising one of my eyebrows.

He stand up and come closer to me. At that time, I don't know why would I feel like my heart is pounding really fast. My body were all trembling when he came closer to me.

Just about 30 cm away, I quickly ran towards the kitchen, but he grab my wrist and pin me against the wall. I was shook.

He stare deeply into my eyes and his face were inches away with mine. I start feeling hot steam around my face. My face is sooooo hot.

"W-what do you want...." I shutters.

"Gracial..... you're blushing, your legs are trembling." He said with a soft tone voice making me even blushing.

He lean in against my ear and whisper.

"You're cute when you're blushing like this." He let me go from his grip and went back to sit on the sofa. "Gracial, I'm hungry, can you cook something for me?"

.....what.....the hell.....just happened......

What the fuck?! Why did he, why did he, why did he-

Omg what the fuck is wrong with me?! He's a playboy Gracial, why did you fall for that? Oh my god.

I face palm myself while slowly sliding down the wall feeling ridiculously ashamed.

Jungkook's POV

I turn around to see Gracial sitting down on the floor with her hand covering her face.

Did I do something wrong?....

Does she hate it when I tell the truth about her?

Hmmm... I kinda feel bad...

I walk back to her and crouch down trying to comfort her.

"Gracial?..." I call her name with a soft voice.

She still didn't move. I try patting her head but she slap it away and run to her room.

......I think I did something wrong.....


Gracial's POV

I close the door behind me shut. I can't handle the amount of feelings like this. Some part of me said that I like it, but some part of me don't. I am seriously confused, why he did this.

What does he want....

I lay down on my bed, hugging my big cookie doll. I try calming myself down telling that he is a blue eyed jerk. He is doing this for his own self.

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