Chapter 3 : My new neighbour

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"Hahahaha oh my good look at you now, you're such a pig HAHAHAHA!!" She cursed and laugh at me.

I was so annoyed by her and felt anger, but I need to calm down and act everything is just a joke.

"Miss, do you want to order something or not because the other customers are waiting. Please cooperate."

"Wow, how dare you talk to me like that. I'm gonna make you pay..." she said as she reach for the coca cola drink near the counter and spilt it all over her clothes. "LOOK WHAT YOU DID! MANAGER! MANAGERRRRR!" she yell so loud, clearly letting the manager heard her call.

"Uhmm, yes miss, can I help you?" The manager spoke with a ringtone of worried.

"Yes, your employee here doesn't want to take my order, curse words at me and even threw drinks at my expensive Gucci clothes, look!" She blame all the lies to me with that bitchy face.

"Grace, what are you thinking? Why would you do that to our customer?!" The manager yell at me with that Mr. Crab tone.

"Boss, I didn't do any of this! She was the one cursing at me and threw the drink at her own clothes, and she blamed me for no reason." I tried to convince the boss that I'm innocent.

"Look manager, I know this place is hold by bighit entertainment and, if you don't fire her right now, I will let the CEO know to shut down this restaurant."

Everyone in the restaurant was shook when she tell the boss that this place will get shut down. What kind of a stupid reason is that? Just because she hates me? Now trying to convince me to fire me to save this restaurant.

I really hope the boss will think wisely on this one. This is the only job that I got. I don't want to get fired.

"........Grace.......I'm sorry, you know I really adore you as my favourite employee here but, you need to understand too that this restaurant worth the sake of many other workers.....I'm sorry......but Grace are.....fired." The manager was afraid to said and was looking down the whole time.

I knew he didn't want to fire me but I need to understand him too that he's doing this for the other workers. Sometimes, its best to sacrifice your beloved ones just for the peace of everyone

"Its okey boss, I understand, this is my fate and....I hope you and the others will do well here, will do better without me, thank you for everything."

I gave my cap to the boss, went to the changing room to change my clothes, grab my things and leave the restaurant.

"Grace wait! Don't leave us, wait!" Jungkook came running towards me yelling to come back.

"Sorry Jungkook, I'm not a worker there anymore, you all will have the best days without me," I turn around to face Jungkook. "See you later weirdo~" I gave him a small smile, face in front again, and run to the bus stop, leaving Jungkook there alone.

10 minutes later, I arrived home and take out the key. I tried puting the key through the hole but because of my trembling hands, I can't fit in the key properly.

I face around and lean back against the door kneeling, letting my tears stream down my cheek. My cried could be heard by the neighbors but I don't care.


Suddenly, I heard a man's voice talking to me.

"Miss, are you alright?" He said with a deep voice that makes me look up to see a handsome man crouching down.

"Miss? Hello? Are you dead?" He wave his hand around my face to snap me out of expectation.

"Uhmm who are you?" I ask confusingly.

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