Chapter 5 : Is this love or a piece of shit?

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"HELP-" He smashed his lips onto mine making me shut up. I pray so hard that anyone will come to save me please. Anyone please.....


I heard someone scream my name after they break the door. My gaze switch towards the guy. It was...


"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU PUNK!" he quickly grab Taetae's shirt and punch him down so hard making him fell down on the floor.

"Are you okey?" Jungkook ask as he run towards me looking all worried.

Suddenly, Jungkook got punch back from behind making him almost hit the wall. Taetae take the chance to run but Jungkook quickly follow him. I'm so worried about Jungkook, so I follow them to see Jungkook punching him again and hold him making sure he's not running away.

"Call the police!" He said from downstairs and I quickly obeyed.


5 minutes later, the sound of sirens can be heard. 2 cars showed up and the police quickly let themselves in.

They cuff Taehyung's hand and we went outside. Before he enter the car, he winked at me with a smirk. The siren slowly fade away and everything was back to normal.

"Jungkook, is it really necessary to make him go to jail-"

"Unless you want him to rape you, then I'll be gladly tell them bac-"

"Alright, alright, fine," I sigh and we both went back into the house. "It's just that..... he's been my childhood friend and I can't believe that.... he did this to me....." I said as I covered my face trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes.

"He's your childhood friend?!" He said looking at you shook.

"Yeah, that's why I really can't believe that he become like this. I just lose my childhood friend forever..." I finally cried out feeling guilty and can't believe that he did this to me.

Suddenly, I felt two arms hugging me and pat my back.

"It's okey Gracial, sometimes, things aren't always the same as they used to be. You'll get over it." Jungkook put his head on my shoulder and I eventually calm down a bit.

When he removes the hug from his grip, I saw blood dripping down from Jungkook's knuckles.

"Jungkook! You're hand! Sit down on the sofa, I help you..." I said as I help him sit down. "I'll get the first aid kit." But before I could go, he hold my arm accidentally pulling it making me fall onto his lap.

"Don't Gracial, it's just blood, it'll be-."

"Blood my ass. Now shut up and let me be nice to you for once in a while." I frowned my eyebrows at him. I stand up from sitting on his lap and went to get the aid kit.

"Man....rude...." he whisper loud enough making me hear him.


"Ouch! That hurts Gracial, can't you do a little more careful?" He whined, trying holding back the pain.

"I'm trying my best okey, do I do this..... I hope I remember...."

"Are you serious right now? Oh god, thankfully you're not a nurse or a doctor. It'll be worse if you were." He lean  his head on the arm chair of the sofa and facepalm his face feeling disbelief.

I ignore him and focused on the bandage, trying my best to wrap it properly.


20 minutes done and I finally wrap it correctly leaving sweat all over my forehead.

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