Chapter 13 : Birthday Party

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I got my job back. Everything was great, I had a fun day with Sakura, Yoongi got fired and I can feel peace, Manager Joon is surprisingly been very good to me and that idiot but handsome weirdo Jeon Jungkook giving me those heart pounding again.

It was the best~

3 months past and everything is still normal.

I got home from an exhausting work. I walk to the front door to open the door but I saw many shoes and flip flop on the mat.

Don't tell me that they are throwing a party in my freaking house?! Uhh damn you Sakura, I shouldn't have gave you my spare keys!

But, if they're having a party, why isn't there any sounds?

I lean in against the door but couldn't hear nothing and the living room was really dark.

I hesitant and unlock the key and open the door. It is pitch black.

"Hello?" I called but no answer.

I step inside, trying to find the switch, but since it is pitch black, I have to balance my self while putting a hand against the wall.

Then I accidentally trip on something and I thought I was going to fall but I felt like I've been put in position of someone hugging me.

This scent...its familiar...

The person who is still hugging me slowly bring me to I don't know where but then it trip and we both fall over.

I could feel like my lips are touching something very soft and very sweet like a marshmallow. I couldn't really see it but then I heard a countdown.


The lights was switch on and everyone who is my coworkers, jump and surprise me.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRACIAL!! WOHOOO~" Everyone clapping and cheering.

The lights were on, I can finally see what kind of a position am I. I'm laying on top of Jungkook and our lips are....touching...


I quickly stand up and cover my mouth. God I'm so embarrassed!!!

"I-I'm s-sorry Jungkook!" I turn around, covering my whole face tightly to stop it from showing my red face.


Then I realized the crowd was nothing but whispering. Then one of them decide to ruin everything by singing...

"JUNGKOOK AND GRACIAL SITTING ON A TREE. K I S-" I ran towards one of my co-workers and cover his dirty ass mouth.

I glare at him right in the eyes making his knees trembling from how terrified he was. But then Sakura start singing that song again and the others follow her.

"JUNGKOOK AND GRACIAL SITTING ON A TREE, K I S S I N G!! WOOOOO~" Everybody clap except for me.

I look at Jungkook and he is really having the best day of his life. Yeah right...

Sakura try pulling me to sit in front of a cake that still have candles lighted on.

I was so upset that they really teased me like that. I just stare at the cake and rolled my eyes.

"Aww c'mon Gracial, it's your birthday today, you're suppose to be happy." She pouted and try making her aegyo.

"I'm really upset, fix me back." I ordered and cross my arm.

"Gracial, if you don't blow the candles, I will kiss you again." Jungkook shout from behind making everybody cheering.

I sigh and blow the candles. Everybody clapping and cheering again.

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