Chapter 16 : SAKURA!!

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Don't tell me...

I slowly open my eyes and couldn't believe it. I just can't believe it...


He is lying on the floor with another shot on the abdomen. Why would he do this to me...

I was the one eho suppose to die... not him....

"Jungkook ah!! Wake up!! WAKE UP JUNGKOOK!! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME JUNGKOOK!" I cried and shake his body aggressively trying to get any sign from him.

"Oh what a bummer, too bad it isn't you who got shot. Well at least he's dead, and now..." he fill up the gun with another bullet and aim at me.

I just glare at him feeling absolutely angry. I can feel my veins starting to show on my head. My hands curls up into a fist. I just want him to die right now.


He slowly pull the trigger when suddenly, he got hit from the back. He fall down to the floor and that's when I saw my brothers and Manager Joon.

"Aigooo Lia.... are you okey? I was so worried about you... poor my little girl..." Jin hug me tightly and comfort me.

I was just so relieved that we finally got back ups and that the war is over. But I can't form a smile at all.

"Jungkook..." I look back at Jungkook and tell Jin to call the ambulance.

"We already call the ambulance and the police. We also call the firefighter, you know, just in case-" His words was interrupt by a frustrating Hobi.

"Dammit hyung! You actually call the firefighters? I told you we don't need them. Just the police and the ambulance."

"Hey, I'm the oldest one here, I know what I'm doing. You should be grateful bla bla bla bla...."

These idiots....

In this kind of situation, they still tend to make a scene. Huh.....

I stare back at Jungkook who is barely trying himself to breath again. I lay my head on his chest. I can hear his heartbeat moving slower and slower....

I hope the ambulance will come in time...

"Sorry we couldn't make it in time. I'm so sorry for Sakura and Jungkook... and you too. All of this were my fault, I'm so sorry I have to led you go through all of this." Manager joon crouch down beside me feeling guilty.

"No no, its not your fault. Yoongi- I mean Min, has been my rival since we were in middle school. CL and Min. So its not your fault, at least you come and helped us. I didn't expect anyone to come. Thank you Manager Joon..."

"Just call me Namjoon, and your welcome Gracial..."

Nee noo nee noo nee noo

The siren of the ambulance and police.

I watch as they pick up Jungkook and Sakura into the van. I came along with Namjoon.

"Gracial, once we arrive, you need to be hospitalized too." Namjoon said as he sits in front of me.

"What? No its okey, I'm fine. I didn't get any serious injuries or anything."

"Gracial, shut up, and be a good girl for once in a while."

I don't want to fight back since I'm also tired, so I just let this one slide out.


5 minutes later, we finally arrived at the hospital. I was so tired and there's no more energy left, I almost sleep in the van.

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