Chapter 4 : HELP!

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That girl...... was actually me?.....

.....I'm his crush?......

"Taetae I....I'm so sorry I forgot about you Taetae, its been years since we last see each other.....I'm so sorry Taetae, I thought I lose you when I moved away....I'm here now-" I almost cried out when he laughs.

"HAHAHAHA SIKE! You should've seen the look on your face, hahaha oh my god that was hilarious. I really am a good actor hahaha," he laughs right in my face and doesn't care about how hideous his face looks.

"Pabo Taetae....pabo pabo pabo yaaaaaa, how could you do this to me? Ughhhhhhh," I hit him many times on the chest and he scream in pain.

"Okey okey alright alright, geez I was just joking. You really are my childhood friend Gracial." He said still holding his pain.

"You're lying again. Don't expect me to believe you this time!" I yell a little still hitting him.

"I swear Gracial, this time I swear, then how come I know your nickname "Icy"?" I stop hitting him and think for awhile. "I am really Taetae Gracial, or should I say Icy...."

I look at him in the eyes and we both stare at each other. I still can't really believe him though. The only way to know if he really is Taetae.....

" is you.....Taetae!!!!" I hug him after I lift up his sleeve to see 2 moles that represents an elephant. From that I knew, he really is my childhood friend.

"Icy~ I miss you-" Taehyung got cut off when I start hitting his back again.

"You stupid pabo, stop pranking me like that again you alien!"

"Hehe sorry, it just that, it's been so long since you left. The last time you move, was when we were 5. I thought I will never see you again, but here you are. What do you think this is?.... Fate" he ask while giving me those boxy smile.

"Yeah it's fate, that we meant to be best friend till the end!" I hug him and laugh playfully.

Taehyung's POV

"Yeah it's fate, that we meant to be best friend till the end!" I hug him and laugh playfully.

Ouch.....that's hurts. I mean, I have a crush on her since we were little, and I'm still in love with her. I want to be more than just....friends.....

Should I confess? What if she reject? What if she accept and we live happily ever after?

.....Well sometimes, its better to tell the truth than left with nothing. At least she will know I love her.....

But dang....... she look so fine though. I don't think I can actually handle- oof

Something is impatient here....... ohh my god...... taetae jr please calm down aishhhh...

"TAETAE YA PABO!" I was snap into reality when she pull my ear and scream directly hitting my eardrums.

"Ahhhh ahhh! Don't do that. You want me deaf?" I yell as I cover my right ear.

"Well anyways I'm bored." She said with no emotions like nothing happen.

"So? What do I have to do?" I said getting little annoyed.

"Let's play spin the bottle." She lean her face closer to mine with a bright star smile making me flustered and jump a little. I swear I can feel my cheek burning got dang.

"S-spin spin the- wait....spin the bottle? Girl we are two people here what are you thinking?" I give her a dumbfounded face, thinking what a dumb she is.

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