Chapter 15 : Gun Shot

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Jungkook, please help me... Don't let me dance with this stupid creep. And just then...


"Surprise motherfuckers!"

Everyone was shocked when a loud bang was heard.

Standing there were Yoongi with some other gangster dudes. Everyone quickly left the house except for me, Sakura and Jungkook. Some of them get out from the window and from the back door.

"Well well well, did I ruin your beautiful birthday party miss loser bitch jerk Lia?" He smirks while making his way into the house.

"The fuck you're doing here Min?! Get out now or I'm calling the police!" I shout a bit, giving them a warning before I make a call.

He smirks and come closer to me. Sakura was behind me. She was definitely terrified and her whole body is shaking.

Yoongi was almost and inch away from me when Jungkook slide himself in and face him face to face.

"Oh look, your boyfriend is here to protect you. How sweet..." he evily laughs.

"What do you want Yoongi? Just leave us alone!!" I shout but I can hear a trembling crack in my voice.

He definitely know that I'm afraid.

"You heard what she said, get out or I'll have to do it my way." Jungkook's tone was serious and I could see his hand curl up into a fist.

He was ready to punch him in the face any minute.

Yoongi laughs and start to pull out his gun and aim it in front of Jungkook, and at that time, come another familiar feminine figure.

"Oh babe, you're so ready to kill him already? We need to torture them first remember? Hehehe,"

It's CL, the stupid bitch that dated Yoon-



No I can't be late. Just 3 more minutes and I'll be there. Just 3 more...

I look at the teddy bear that I bought earlier for his birthday. I smile just looking at it. I'm sure he's gonna love it.

I ran and ran until I reach my destination where I saw Yoongi sitting on the bench there.

My face lit up as I saw his face. Seeing him already making me feel there's a lot butterfly flapping around me.

I was about to shout his name when I saw a girl coming towards him. I was just only halfway away from him. I quickly hide behind some bushes. I pick through the leaves to see what are they doing.

I couldn't quite hear them but I saw her giving him something. It kinda looks like a chain necklace. A chain gold necklace. Wow.

I move closer behind a tree to hear them more clearly.

"Oppa, we've been dating for 7 months now, when will you break up with that bitch? I couldn't wait anymore oppa~"

"Just wait a little more CL, when the time comes, I will dump her, don't worry about it."

"Hmmm, saranghae oppa~"

End of Flashback

I've been a fool. How come I didn't notice them at all. Oh my god how stupid am I.

I didn't know Yoongi was actually Min?! Min was actually Yoongi?! He just looks so different now.

"Hello bitches~ miss me? Hahaha" CL stares at me and stand beside Yoongi.

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