Chapter 10 : It's so sudden

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What's going on?

My heart pound faster. They told me not to come in but I didn't listen.

I took a peek from the door and see, the doctors, trying to help my grandma to breath properly...

Then I heard like a long line sound from the computer. It's a long red line.

"No no no we're losing her. Dr Jay, the zapper." (I don't know what it's call okey)

The doctors are trying to bring her back to life. I could feel a tear forming in my left eye. I couldn't take it anymore. I rush in and cried out.


Then I could feel two hands holding me to back away from them.

"Lia, don't disturb them! They are trying their best!" Jin said as he's holding me back tightly because I was so eager to see my grandma.

One of the nurse came and lead us outside because they don't want any disturbance while they're working.

"Please don't come in here. We will try our best, just please don't come in."

And with that I watch, as the nurse went in the room again and the door slowly closed.

I waited, waited and waited.

I don't know how long I've been waiting there. I just want to know if she is okey...

The sound of the door open and stood out, a doctor come towards us.

We quickly sat up from where we sit and I look at the doctor, waiting for an answer.

The doctor sigh. "We tried our best, but... I'm sorry...." he look down and walk pass by us.

I was shocked, we were all shocked. I ran into the room to see her, laying in bed, with no feelings or breathing at all.

She is gone...

"She is gone...." I mumbled a little and let a tear out.



Hobi rub my back to calm me down but later I can feel wet on my shoulder. He's crying too.

Jin join in with us to form this siblings hug. We all cried there in front of our grandma...


I look down at the stone after my grandma's coffin, buried. I kneeled down, praying that she'll be in heaven.

Me and my brothers, bring me back to our old house after I gave in one last look at the grave.

We all went in the car and the atmosphere was silent. Nobody dare to talk but just look out the window.


I got back to my usual home after a week staying at my grandma's house. I got a little calmer after that and decided to move on because we need to somehow accept the reality that all living things will die anyway.

I lay in bed, feeling exhausted from a long journey, then someone just have to ruin the mood.

Ring ring~

I lazily took out the phone and answer it.

"Yes Sakura?" I ask in a lazy tone.

"Oh my god Gracial, are you okey? Do you want someone to accompany you? I'll make you some food if you like." She ask in worried.

"No... well- actually yeah, I want some food. I'm hungry."

"Oh okey but, can I bring Jungkook?"

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