Chapter 14 : Dancing with a creep

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"I can't tell you Sakura... it's my secret... my most memorable happiest secret ever..." I smiled suddenly blushing again.

She sigh realising that I won't tell her what happened.

We both walk back to the living room and enjoy the party. I was so in a good mood that I join in with the crowd dancing, singing and playing. Every time I'm in with the activities, they all shouted for me.

Jungkook's POV

I look at Gracial who is having so much fun enjoying herself. She even won every board games that they play, making the others so sick to play with her.

Now she's dancing in the crowd jamming to the sound that is playing on the tv. She looks so sexy moving her body, her hips all like she's so professional about it. I didn't know she could dance like that.

I can't help it but to eye her up and down. Dang why am I feeling hot all of sudden. Then she look towards my direction, catching me staring at her.

She glance back away and start to do the belly worm dance.

Is she trying to seduce me right now?  You're such a naughty naughty naughty girl Gracial, dang boi...

She keeps going on like that, dancing gracefully but at the same time sexy as hell.

And what am I doing here drinking a beer while I can go and join in with her? Hmm...? What's this pointing in my pants?


Oh god...

No no not now, you can do it Jr. Jeon. Just hold it. I can hold it.

I hold my jr. trying not to make a scene in the middle of my lover's birthday. But this girl, why is she smirking? Why is her tongue out licking her lips like she wants to....


I rush to the bathroom to fix this thing. I can't hold it any longer. Damn you Gracial!


Finally, I'm back in peace. I walk back to the bar trying to catch my breath. That was really tiring. I hate you for doing this to me.

As I sit back down on the chair, I notice, she isn't there anymore. I scan the whole crowd thinking she might still be there.

Then my eyes lays on her. She was sitting on the couch probably tired from all the dancing. But between her, there's a man trying to talk to her.

I lock my eyes with him, trying to figure out what is he trying to do.

Gracial was already pass out on the couch probably sleeping and I can see him took out a pill and put it something in her drink.

I don't know what it is but it seems to me that this is not right.

Gracial's POV

"Gracial... wake up Gracial..."

I woke up to the movements of someone shaking my thigh. I open my eyes and saw Jimin, looking at me smirking.

I was feeling really dizzy and tired maybe because of all the dancing.

"Gracial, you just pass out, here." He handed me a drink to maybe make me feel better?

"Thank you..." I was about to sip the drink when someone grab the drink away. I look up to see Jungkook in front of me looking angrily at Jimin.

"I don't think you should drink this Gracial..." he said as he put the drink on the table near us.

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