Chapter 11 : The truth about Min

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Everyone was in complete silent, waiting for the announcing winners, while Sakura holds my hand shaking and praying so hard.

"The winner is..."

Dup dup, dup dup, dup dup...

"The washing machine!!" (Yes, that's the group name)

We both scream in enjoyment while Jungkook just stare and laugh at our little kids behavior.

"Gracial, Sakura, stop being such kids and sit down!" The manager tell and look at us in disbelief.

We both sit down while making a "sorry" face, pouting our lips while the others trying so hard to hold their laughs.

"So the paycheck will be divided and I will bank it into your accou-"

"Sir, I don't think you should divide the money and give it to them..."


"And why is that Mr. Min?"

Mr. Min? You mean that old grandpa I don't give a shit that grandpa like what huh what??!!

"I've been working on with the design myself and they didn't even help me one bit. I ask them to come and do it together but none of them showed up. So instead I just do it and publish to you as fast as I could." Min said confidently without even looking at us.

"Owh I see...if that's the case, then Gracial, Sakura and Jungkook, you won't be getting your paycheck, I will leave it all to Min."

That is not fair... that isn't fair at all.

I can feel my face heating up all ready to kill someone. I look back at Sakura who just look down feeling so so sad, and Jungkook just stare at him looking angry as hell, his mouth looks like he's trying to say something but couldn't.

That's it.

I stand up stomping my hands on the table making everyone's gaze on me.

"Sir! We did the project by ourselves! We spent days just to finish this. The only one that doesn't help us is him!" I pointed at Min. "He is lying! He just want to have all the credits for himself! He didn't help us an inch at all! HE IS LYING!!"

Everyone is surprised from my action. I was devastated and couldn't help it but to stand up and speak the truth. Min was just laughing and Manager Joon look at me, feeling if he should believe me or not.

Then Min start whispering something in his ear and manager Joon's reaction start to change from a confused look to an angry one. Min was staring at the floor and had those devil smile sores on his face.

"Gracial, after this meeting, meet me in my office."


I knock on the door before entering.

"Come in."

I twist the door knob and enter the office. Manager Joon was just sitting there doing his work in the computer with an angry look on his face.

"Yes sir, do you need anything?" I ask him.

"Sit." He order me.

I sit on the chair in front of him just waiting while he's still working with his computer. Then he finally stop and look at me with his hands intertwined on the desk.

"Gracial, about the design. You told me that Min was lying for everything and said that he didn't do anything at all, right?" He ask raising an eyebrow.

"Yes sir, it was just me, Sakura and Jungkook. We were the only one that did the design. We tried asking Min to come and work on it but he just ignores us and didn't help us at all." I said holding my grudge.

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