Chapter 17 : I got you Jungkook

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Its been a month after we lost Sakura. The atmosphere was never the same as before. Jungkook really help me to move on with this and it did make a lot of progress.

Sooner or later, I'm sure we will come back to our sense again. I'm sure she doesn't want me to see me crying over her like this. She's in heaven now, I should be cheering her up.

As for Yoongi and Cl, well, who cares about them anyway right? Cl unfortunately died, what a shame, not shocking at all, but Yoongi is in prison right now. Well, it was lucky for him to survive that shot, but he's in prison now, so I don't need to worry about him anymore.

All its left are just me and Jungkook now. Day by day, I'm starting to learn how to fall in love again. I'm starting to fall for Jungkook.

Jeon Jungkook...

Since that kiss the other day, I wasn't really sure if he was trying to calm me down or if he really mean it. Y'all think I forgot about the kiss? Nuh uh hun.

I'm still thinking about it and the more I think, the more I'm so embarrassed by it, every time I see Jungkook. My heart keeps pounding, my face is red, and I couldn't move my muscle and my mouth just shutters every time I talk to him.

Yup, I think I've fallen for him. I think I'm in love with Jeon Jungkook.

Aww~ what a stupid but sweet but idiot moments. But the think is, he still acts normal even after the kiss. It feels like nothing ever happen between us.

Did he forgot about the kiss? Or is he trying to play it off? I hope he forgot about it but at the same time, I want to know the real reason why he kissed me. This is so frustrating.

"Gracial~ What are you doing over there? Come on we got to go!" Jungkook yelled from the distance and ran back to the park.

I, who was talking to the big tree feeling and talking to myself, smile at his adorable call and stand up to join in with him.

"Gracial here..." Jungkook hands me a chocolate ice cream which is one of my favorite ice creams.

"Thank you Jungkook" I smils at him and we both walk along the path.

As we are walking, I could feel that our hands is just inches away and y'all don't know the feeling how badly I want to hold his hand.

I kept looking at it and immediately, my face is burning again. Gosh how long am I going to endure this?

I tilt my head back in frustration still walking together with him.


A slight soft voice call me from beside. I turn to look at him and ask him in a confused look.

"Do you want to hold my hand?"

I froze as I hear it correctly.

What? Did he notice that I've been starring at his hand? Oh god I'm so stupid, why??

"W-why would I want to hold your hand? Pfft whatttt don't be stupid ha ha ha ha..." I shutter a lot and the fake laugh is wow, nice acting Gracial.

"Alright if you say so..." he continues walking and licking his ice cream.

Aww... I miss my chance... Well it's my fault...

I lick back the ice cream but I can't feel the taste of the chocolate anymore. Probably lost my appetite from the sadness and disappointness.

Then out of nowhere, my hands starting to get warm. It feels like someone is holding my hand. I look at my hand and yup. Jungkook is holding it.

His bare hand, the veins that are sticking out, omg, just by looking at his hand, I'm already flustered. I'm back to heartbeat mode again.

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