Chapter 1

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Well in case you don't know me Hi my name is Im Nayeon I'm 18 years old and I have been a Nerd here No one wants to be my Friend but I'm used to it though.I just hope I can Find my Mr. Right so he can protect me.

I'm on my way to my class but someone block my way..

"Hey Wassup Nerd Give me your Lunch money or else.. you know what's gonna happen"Jackson said while smirking..

By the way he was 1 of my bullies and is the one who always punch me if I won't do what he says.

I was about to give him my Lunch money but..

"Hey!! Leave her alone!"someone shouted..

I Look at the person who shouted but I don't remember him being here.
I think it's a new student

I got back to my sense when he started to attack Jackson until Jackson gave up and ran away..

"Hey are you Okay?"he said softly while giving me a smile
"I-I Yess Thank you sir??"I said while giving him a Shy Smile
"Jeongyeon! Yoo Jeongyeon is my name and you are??"Jeongyeon said while giving me a hand expecting a handshake
"Nice to meet you Jeongyeon I'm Im Nayeon"I said shyly and shake his hand.
"Thank you again for saving me"I said shyly to him.
"Yeah No problem See ya I need to go"he said while waving his hands while walking to his class

I then went to my Class but I can't focus because of the guy that save me Omygod his so handsome I hope I can see him again

[A few Hours Later]

I was on my way to my house but I saw him again..The guy that save me a few hours heart beats Faster than usual

"Oh hi nayeon-ssi we met again so what class are you btw?"he ask me
"Umm I-I am Class A"I said stuttering
"Oh what a coincidence I'm class A too hope we can be friends Nayeon-ssi I gotta go see ya"he said walking away while waving at me.

Omygod he talk to me again but wait why does my heart beats fast wait am I noo I don't believe Love at first sight No it can't be

I continued to walk to my house and I arrive.

"Mom! I'm Home!"I shouted so that my mom hears it.
"Oh Dear How was your day?"my mom asked me.
"Mom it was Great some guy named Jeongyeon saved me from getting bullied thank God he came"I said happily to my mom.
"Oh great you Finally have a Friend btw let me meet him"my mom said Laughing while highlights the 'Finally' on her sentence.
"Mom! Your so mean~"I said pouting
"Hahaha yeah okay okay go to bed now so you can see Him Tommorow"my mom said Laughing.

She's the best I love my mom She always make me Smile.I got onto my room and write on my diary that has happened today and when I hop to my bed and Call it a Day

I Love You The way you are [2yeon]Where stories live. Discover now