Chapter 12

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Jeongyeon POV

Someone sat infront of me and I Look to see..Jennie Kim

"What are you doing here?"I asked her coldly.."Let me Explain please"She begged me.."there's nothing left to talk Jennie..I've moved on and I fell inlove with someone your too late.."I said coldly.."it's that Bitch Nayeon Right?" she said in a bitch tone..Now my blood is dare she call Nayeon a bitch..

"Your the bitch here for cheating on me and you Dare to call her a Bitch.. HA HA Very Funny now if you excuse me I have some business to do"I said and then walk out leaving her there

Nayeon POV

I was infront of my house and I was a little nervous..I open the door and saw my mom sitting in the sofa..

I quickly go to her and hug her tightly.
"Awww my daughter is being a baby again"she teased me..I nodded and broke the hug.."I have some bad news.."she said and I got nervous.. "w-what is it??"I asked stuttering.. "I'm going overseas for our business trip and don't worry I'll be giving you money if you need it"she smile assuring me.."bring over your cousins cause I won't be here if a thunder strikes"she said and chuckled..I giggle and nod.."but mom I'll miss you"I hug her and tears roll down on my cheeks.."awww I'll come as soon as possible dear"she said

Jeongyeon POV

I was walking towards my house remembering how she cheated on me but then..

I remember the cute bunny girl who help me and took me home..I wonder where is she..I hope I'll meet her again soon..I then took out my phone..

School Meal Club and one old man

Jeongie:guys Can I asked a question?

ChaeCub: yeah sure what is it hyung?

TofoEagle:OMG are you going to Confess?!

Jeongie:do you guys know someone that has a cute bunny teeth?

SavageTzu: Nope

TofoEagle: ^^^^

ChaeCub:No why?

Jeongie:umm Nothing just asking

ChaeCub added Minatozaki_Sana and Myoui_Mina in the group

SavageTzu:oh a snake is here

SavegeTzu change the Nickname of Minatozaki_Sana into Sanake

ChaeCub change the Nickname of Myoui_Mina into Minguin

Sanake:Yahh!! Tzuyu!!

SavageTzu: what? It's true that you are a snake.. right Mina noona?

Minguin:hey don't drag me with you.. you Yoda!

Jeongie:guys I'm going now bye

Minguin:bye Jeongyeon oppa

Sanake:bye oppa

SavageTzu:bye hyung

ChaeCub:Take care Hyung

TofoEagle:bye hyung

TofoEagle: Hey Why is Momo not Here??

SavageTzu: cause we didn't add her duhh..add her if you want we don't care..

TofoEagle:Yahh!! Fine hmpp Meanie~

I turn off my phone smiling and go to my house still wondering about that cute bunny girl [no one still know that Nayeon has a bunny teeth]

I hop to my bed and call it a day..

[Next day]

Well today is the day where I'm going to Confess my feelings for Nayeon..

I go to school and saw her on her locker..I go to her.."GoodMorning Nayeon ah"I greeted her with a bright smile...she then greeted me back with her smile.."hey uhh at Lunch can I talk to you?"I asked her nervously.. "yeah sure.."she said.."Meet me at the rooftop on Lunch"I said and she nodded..

[Skip lunch Time]

Nayeon POV

I was curious of what Jeongyeon's gonna say to me cause she seem so serious about it..I was walking towards the rooftop and I saw him there being handsome as ever..

"Hey what are we going to talk about?"I asked and first time revealing me bunny teeth not realizing..

He was shocked..I then realized and quickly cover my mouth.."i-its Not what it looks like"I said stuttering..

"So you are the one who took me home huh?"he asked smiling brightly..
"Huh? You mean the boy who was crying in the Park?"I asked confused

"Yeah that was me the one you took home.."I then remembered...She was my number one crush..I blush...

"But I'm here to Tell you that uhh.."he started talking.. he then sign

"I'm inLove with you Im Nayeon"

Hey guys sorry for the late update it's because no one commented😟 and I hope you like this update please vote if you like it I'll update as soon as possible..

I Love You The way you are [2yeon]Where stories live. Discover now