Chapter 14

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Jeongyeon POV

I woke up to see a White room I sat up and then someone enter my room..

My head hurts so bad and I can't remember much other than my friends DaChaeTzu...

They come in with 4 familiar faces but I can't seem to remember..

"Jeongie are you okay??"The girl with a cute bunny tooth said.."Who are you??"I asked confused...but I can see hurt in her eyes..

Is she someone special to me or something?.."umm your so familiar but I can't seem to remember you I'm sorry"I said to the cute bunny girl...

"Hyung she's your gir--"chae was cut of.."Friend!..Yeah..BestFriend"she said to me and smile slightly..

"so may I know your names? Except for you boys"I pointed at the boys..

"Hirai Momo Dahyun's Girlfriend"the blonde hair girl with bangs said..her face reminds me of peach..

"Myoui Mina chae's Girlfriend.."the red haired girl said and smile.. "Minatozaki Sana Tzuyu's Girlfriend.."
The cute girl that looks like a hamster said.."Im Nayeon.."the bunny girl said and smile..I smile back at her..

[Skip Next day]

Today's the day I'm gonna be discharged and I'm going on my own cause they have class at first they want to accompany me but I insist..

Currently I'm walking towards my house and my parents and sisters didn't know about the 'incident' cause they are still busy about work again..

I sat on my couch and grab my phone..and I saw lots of pictures of Nayeon noona and me..

I then remembered when I always write my diary on my phone so that I won't forget something..

I searched and I saw it I read it carefully and I focus on it until I saw

Dear, Diary

Today's the day I'm going to Confess my Love for Im Nayeon and I'm very nervous right now and I hope she will Love me back but if she don't then I'm not giving up and will make her fall for me if it is the Last thing I do so that's all for today diary since I'm very tired right now wish me Luck..

I was shocked and My head started to hurt again..I hold my head and Endure the pain but it's getting worse and lots of flashbacks are coming in my head and Last thing I knew everything went Dark..

Nayeon POV

I was so upset and guilty at the same time I was upset cause Jeongyeon forgot about me and guilty cause it's all my fault..if we didn't cross the road he wouldn't push me and save me he would've here by now staying by my side Telling Lame Jokes....

"Hey Nayeon unnie Don't overthink of it his memories will comeback soon" Sana assuring my tears roll in my cheeks and I quickly wipe it..

"Hey Nayeon noona have you seen Jeongyeon??"chae asked me and I shook my head.."why what happened" I began to panic.."he isn't answering our calls..will you come with us to his house??"He asked me and I quickly nodded..

We arrive at his house and Knock on the door a few times..then I realized it's not Locked...we then enter to see Jeongyeon unconscious on the ground..I panic and they began to call the ambulance..

[Skip to the hospital]

We are now at the hospital patiently waiting for the doctor to arrive...

[Few minutes later]

The doctor came out and we immediately Stand up..
"Mr. Yoo has suffered from a terrible headache.. for now he is stable but we don't know when he wake can visit him now..I will take my leave"he said then bow and leave..

We then go to the room to see Jeongyeon unconscious in bed.. honestly it hurts me to see him Like that and Without realizing my tears roll in my cheeks..

"He's gonna be okay noona.."Tzuyu said assuring me..I nodded and sat on the chair beside Jeongyeon while the others sat on the couch..

I stare at him for awhile studying his face..oh how handsome his face Looks.. my staring session was interrupted by a move of a finger..

He then open his eyes and I quickly remove my hands that was holding his hand.."Jeong are you okay now?"I asked with worried eyes..

He smile and said.."yeah Bestfriend" he said and chuckled..well ouch I forgot that he lost his memories..

"So why don't my beautiful girlfriend greet me with a kiss hrm?"he said and giggle.."huh? Who?"I asked confused..

"You of course.. sorry for forgetting you Nayeon ah.."He said and held my hands..I was shocked..I let out tears of joy..I hug him tightly..."I miss you.."I said sobbing Loudly...

[Next day]

Jeongyeon POV

I got a phone call and I pick it up..

"Hello is this Yoo JeongYeon?"

"Umm yes"

"Sir We have found the suspect of the incident"

"You mean when I got hit by a car?"

"Yes sir We suspect that the driver did it on purpose"

"Okay I'll be there"I said and hung up the phone...

I texted the Group chat..


Jeongie:guys I won't be present today cause of important matters

SavageTzu: what's important hyung?

Jeongie: it's personal I'll explain when I get home.

ImBunny:Be safe Okay? @Jeongie

Jeongie:arraso @ImBunny

Minguin:eww too sweet..

ChaeCub: I'll be sweet too you too @Minguin

Sanake:Yahh! Chou Tzuyu Where are you!! I've been waiting for ages

SavageTzu: Coming!

I turn off my phone and go to the police station...

"So where's the suspect?"I asked the officer.."that guy"he said..

And I turn around to see...

I Love You The way you are [2yeon]Where stories live. Discover now