Chapter 2

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Nayeon POV

I was dreaming about Jeongyeon but my alarm interrupted my dream.but then I realized that it's already 6:30 and my class starts at 7:00

I dash to the bathroom to wash.I didn't even eat knowing I'm gonna be Late.I say goodbye to my mom then go to school while running.

Then I bumped into someone and I fell on the floor.
"Hey are you Okay??"a man said. Helping me get up.but the voice is familiar.
"Y-yes Thank you for helping me and I'm sorry for bumping into you"I said I look up to the person who I bumped into to realize it's Jeongyeon
"Ohh Nayeon-ssi we met again c'mon Let's go together plus where on the same class after all"he said giving me a wide smile.

And I we go to class together and I hear alot of gossips talking Like
'omygod his so handsome but why is he friends with a Nerd eww'
'what is that nerd doing with him'
So I just lower my head feeling sad about it but then:
"Hey don't listen to them They don't know what they are talking about"he said assuring me.

We arrive in class and I sat on my chair but he didn't.the teacher arrive
"Hey Class so today we have a new student...come here and introduce yourself"teacher Kim said

And Jeongyeon go infront and introduce himself
"Hi guys my Name is Yoo Jeongyeon and I'm 17 years old..hope we can be friends"he said and bow infront of us
"Okay Mr.Yoo you can sit next to Ms.Im"Teacher Kim soon as he said that I widen my eyes and The students gossips again..

I got back to my sense when Jeongyeon sat beside me..
"Hi Nayeon-ssi"he said while giving me a smile.
"H-Hello Jeongyeon-ssi"I said stuttering.

[Lunch Time]

I was about to go to the cafeteria
"Hey Nayeon-ssi Can you go with me to the cafeteria? I want you to meet some of my friends"He asked me
I was deep in thought If I should go or no cause of all the girls out there why would he bring me? A Nerd Like me?but the my thoughts interrupted when he talked.
"Don't worry They are Nice so is it a Yes or Yes?"he said not giving me another choice so I said yes

We we're on our way to the cafeteria and I heard alot of gossips about me but I don't really care cause I'm used to it and then we arrive.I saw 3 Handsome guys there

"Hey bro.oh you brought someone who is she bro?"the tofo guy said
"Let me introduce you Im Nayeon Nayeon-ssi they are my friends guys introduce yourselves"Jeongyeon said
"Hi Nayeon-ssi I'm The mighty Kim Dahyun"the tofo guy said while smiling brightly at me
"And I'm Son Chaeyoung"the small guy said smiling at me
"Tzuyu is the name"the tall guy said cooly while winking at me.
"So Nayeon-ssi join us eat"Dahyun said excitedly.I just nodded shyly at him and grab my Lunch box.I bring Lunch box instead of buying food cause Jackson will only steal my Lunch money. And she doesn't have enough money cause she's poor..   "hey Nayeon unnie why you bring a Lunch box knowing you can buy food here?"Chaeyoung asked curiously.
"They will just steal my Lunch money and I don't have enough money to buy foods here cause I'm poor"I said sadly to them."hey Don't worry from now on you are now our Friend"Jeongyeon said to me.I smile at them while we eat our Lunch.

[After Class]

I was about to go home but my phone rang so I pick up the phone

"Hello? Is this Nayeon?"

"Yes it is..why?"

"Nayeon a! How dare you forget me huh"

Wait The voice is Familiar wait..
"Sana yah?!?!"

"Yes it's me and btw I'm with Mina and Momo and we're going to transfer in your school!!"

"What! When?! Finally I won't be The only Nerd here"I said Laughing

"Haha.btw we change our looks so yeah"

"What noo that's unfair Sana yah"I whined

"Haha let's change your looks when you come with us in Japan Soo better come here in vacation"

"Yeah I will so when will you guys come here?"

"I think tomorrow and btw we're class A"

"Coincidence I'm class A too see you tomorrow then"

"Yeah we better go or we'll miss our flight byee"

"Yeah byee"I said as I hang up the phone and continue to walk towards my house..I feel like someone is Following me.

I turn around to Find out nothing. Then I keep walking and I turn again to Find a man in Black going towards me I run as fast as I can but it's too Late He Grab my hair and grab me I close my eyes but I feel nothing.

I open them again to find..

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