chapter 4

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Nayeon POV

I woke up and checked the time. It's still 5:49 so it's still early.I took a bath and Eat my food is not that much cause I'm poor so I just eat Eggs and bacon.and my mom is not here

I was about to go to school but I saw a new opening coffee shop so I came by and go inside buying a Americano my money is enough to buy one.

I find a vecant seat and I sat at a table near a window and I study while drinking but then someone sat infront of me.

"Hey Nayeon unnie"I Look up to see Jeongyeon Looking at me smiling heart then beats Faster than usual."oh H-hi Jeongyeon"I said stuttering and smiling shyly.
"Hey so what brings you here?"he asked curiously."umm it's still early so I Came by to buy a drink"I said while continued was an awkward silence between us then he broke the silence by asking
"Hey wanna go to school Together?"he asked me."I-I can't because my cousins is coming today to T-transfer to our school"I said nervously.
"Oh I understand Yeah I need to go now byee"he said sadly to me and walk I feel thoughts were interrupted by my phone.

"Hey Nayeon a where are you we're already at school"

"Oh Yeah I'm on my Way Okay Just wait"

"Come Faster! I'm excited to see you again!"

"Yeahh okay I will go now bye"I hang up the phonecall and go to school

I was surprised when 3 girls came running to hug me.then I realized it was my Cousins

"We Miss you Nayeon unnie"they said together."awws I miss you all too so mind making me prettier?"I said to them playfully."yeah I already said in vacation aishh"Sana said to me."but I want it noww"I said cutely while pouting."eww you never change Nayeon unnie"Mina said while Faking a trow up action."Your still the same Savage Mina"I glare at her playfully.
"Hahaha let's go to class now"she said
"Yeah btw guys I have someone to introduce in Lunch"I said to them
"I thought you don't have any friends?"Momo said confused
"Well he became my Friend and I'm greatful at it"I said smiling like an idiot."OoOoOh is Nayeon unnie inLove"Sana said teasing me I then feel heat on my face.
"N-no I'm Not..Not at all"I said nervously."eyy then why are you smiling like an idiot blushing And nervous?"Mina asked me teasingly
"I-I umm I Li--"I was cut off

*Bell Rings*

"Your Lucky Im Nayeon but let's discuss it at Lunch"Sana said...
I sign in relief We then go to class together...

[Lunch Time]

"Hey J-Jeongyeon can I invite my friends?"I asked nervously"ohh yes The more The marrier"he said while smiling at me We then walk together towards the Cafeteria and saw the boys sitting on the spot.. Jeongyeon Greet them

"Hey bro,Nayeon and oh you brought more Friends"Dahyun said Excitedly
"Yes girls introduce yourselves and you too boys"Jeongyeon said
"Hii I'm Minatozaki Sana"Sana said Excitedly.
"Hirai Momo is my name"Momo said and smile
"Myoui Mina"Mina said shyly
"I'm The Mighty Kim Dahyun"Dahyun said smiling brightly
"My Name is Son Chaeyoung"chae said smiling
"Tzuyu is the name"tzuyu said cooly
"Soo Let's eat I'm Hungry"Momo whined that made us face palm but the boys chuckled.

[After school]

We girls are on our way to our house
"Guyss Dahyun is so handsome I think I Like him"Sana said Excitedly and we Face palm."you always say that"Mina said to sana.sana pout"hey It's different okay hmp"Sana whined
We just Laughed at her and we continue to talk about rondom Things

I was the first one to arrive and I bid goodbye to them and Go in my house
"Mom I'm Home!"I shouted but there's no response so I go to the kitchen to see food at the table and a sticky note on the fridge I read it and it says:

Dear there is food there
And I went out to find a job
So eat if your hungry
Ok? I Love you

Soo I'm home alone huh? I go to my bedroom and then I hear Knocks on my door and I got scared so I grab a pan and Go to the door and open it

To Find....

I Love You The way you are [2yeon]Where stories live. Discover now