Chapter 15

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Nayeon POV

I was pretty excited to see Jeongyeon today because he already remember me.. currently we're waiting for Jeongyeon and Tzuyu and it's been 15 minutes and there not here yet and then I hear my phone buzz..


Jeongie:guys I won't be present today cause of important matters

SavageTzu: what's important hyung?

Jeongie: it's personal I'll explain when I get home.

ImBunny:Be safe Okay? @Jeongie

Jeongie:arraso @ImBunny

Minguin:eww too sweet..

ChaeCub: I'll be sweet too you too @Minguin

Sanake:Yahh! Chou Tzuyu Where are you!! I've been waiting for ages

SavageTzu: Coming!

I then turn off my phone and then we saw Tzuyu coming towards us and we wave at him..I was upset Jeongyeon was not here.."Tzuyu yah! We're have you been!"Sana said angrily.."woah woah woah chill there Sanake..I just woke up late"Tzuyu said and chuckled.."Yah! Let's go we're gonna be Late Stop bickering now Tom and Jerry"I said to them..

Jeongyeon POV

I turn around to see a man..I walk to him.."Yah why are you trying to kill us huh?"In asked the man angrily.."it's Not supposed to be you!..It was supposed to be Im Nayeon!!"he said as he tries to break free on the grips..

"What the hell! Why are you trying to kill Nayeon?!"I grab his collar.."ha! Do you really think that I'm going to tell you?!..No Chance"he said smirking..
"YOU BASTARD!"I Punch him in the stomach.."Make him Tell Officer"I said and they drag him to the basement of the police station (Idunno if that exists)and I followed them there...

They then torture him and I just watched..until.."O-Okay! Okay! I'll Tell!!"he said panting.."Now speak!!"I shouted.."Mr. Im commended me to kill her and if i didn't he threatened me to kill my family"The man said crying..I was shocked..why would He kill his own Daughter!..they then put him to prison.."Thanks for calling me officer"I said and smile.."No problem.. I'm Officer Park Jimin..just call me officer Park"he said and smile back at me..I then bid goodbye and leave..

I was wondering why would Mr. I'm kill her own Daughter..but I won't let him kill the Love of my Life over my dead body..I got Back to my sense and realized that I already arrived at my house..I then chat Nayeon..

Jeongyeon Property❤️😉
@Imbunny active now •

YooJeong:hey bunny

Imbunny:Yeah? What's up?

YooJeong:I have to tell you something..

Imbunny:Okay? What is it?

Imbunny is calling

"What is it Jeong?"

"I'm going straight to the point..your father is trying to kill you"

"W-what? Y-you mean"

"Yes he was the one who hit me"

"I-I'm so sorry Jeong you suffered because of me"she said and I can hear sobs through the phone..

"No no no it's Okay Nayeon ah it's okay I'll do everything for you even if it cost my Life"

"Please Jeong I don't want you to suffer anymore.. Let's Break up"

"WHAT!..No Nayeon please..I will suffer more without you..I need you that's why I'm Protecting you because I Love you"

"But My Fathe--"

"Shh we will get through this... Together"

"Thank you Jeong for Taking care of me and for Loving me I promise to Love you too..Forever"

"Hahaha There's no such things Forever"

"I know but I mean is I will Love you even if I'm dead you are still the one in my heart"

"Well same to you too Forever"I grinned..

"Goodnight Jeong I'm going to sleep now sleep well I Love you!" she said and do a kiss sound

"Goodnight my bunny sleep well I Love you too"I said grinning and hang up..

I smile remembering her and I then sleep and call it a day..

I Love You The way you are [2yeon]Where stories live. Discover now