Chapter 18

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Nayeon POV

I freed myself from their strong grip and ran as fast as I could to Jeongyeon...I can hear everyone shouting..

"NAYEON BE CAREFUL!!"Jihyo shouted at me trying to break free from their grip..

The man that was holding me was about to come to me but I Punch him really hard and he fell on the floor groaning in pain...

Dahyun broke free from the grip...he then punch the man who was holding him and grab the man's gun then shoot the other Mans.. he then ran to attack the other mens..

A man was about to grab me but I kick his Private part and he fell on the ground groaning in pain..

I then saw Jeongyeon hold by two mens and my dad holding a gun pointing at Jeongyeon's chest

I quickly ran towards him then shield him from the gun...

I then feel the bullet hit my back feeling the pain of the bullet..

I Then saw Jeongyeon open his eyes and was shock seeing me..

I then hug him weakly.."Why? Whyy?Nayeon ah why did you save me?"his voice crack and tears roll down his cheeks..

I weakly put my left hand on his left cheek.."y-you h-have s-sa-save m-me a-alot a-alr-already.. N-now i-is m-my t-time t-to r-return a F-favor a-and I-I'm v-very g-grateful t-that y-you s-stayed b-by m-my s-side e-even i-if I-I'm J-just a N-nerd T-Thank y-you s-so m-much J-Jeongyeon I-I L-Love y-you s-so m-much a-always a-and F-forever"I said that Panting...

then my vision went blur he was saying something more like shouting but I couldn't hear him and the last thing I knew everything went black..

Jeongyeon POV

I open my eyes to a shock that Nayeon saved me..she hug me weakly I hug her back then pulled away.."Why? Whyy? Nayeon ah why did you save me?"my voice crack and then tears roll down my eyes.. She weakly put Her left hand on my left cheek..

"y-you h-have s-sa-save m-me a-alot a-alr-already.. N-now i-is m-my t-time t-to r-return a F-favor a-and I-I'm v-very g-grateful t-that y-you s-stayed b-by m-my s-side e-even i-if I-I'm J-just a N-nerd T-Thank y-you s-so m-much J-Jeongyeon I-I L-Love y-you s-so m-much a-always a-and F-forever"she said that Panting..

"Nayeon please don't leave me!"I shouted but seems like she didn't hear me.."NAYEON PLEASE STAY WITH ME"I shouted again while tears streaming down my cheeks then she slowly close her eyes and her hand that was on my cheek drop..

"Nayeon wake up please"I said shaking her while sobing Loudly..

"Wow what a great drama but too bad it's gonna end"he said Laughing maniacly..I stood up angrily..all you can see in my eyes are Fire, anger with a mix of sadness..

He was about to shoot me but I kick his hands causing the gun to flew...I then kick his kneecaps causing him to fall down..I quickly go to him and Punch him again and again

I then hear sirens coming from outside but I don't care he have to pay for what he did to Nayeon...

The others saw me and grab me stoping me from punching that bastard...

"Jeongyeon stop his already unconscious..."Tzuyu said grabbing me..."NO!..HE HAVE TO PAY FOR WHAT HE DID TO NAYEON"I shouted tears streaming down my cheeks..

He was shock to see me like that and was shock about the news..."He did what to Nayeon?!"Sana yelled...

I broke down in tears crying uncontrollably while the others comfort me.."hyung I already put Nayeon Noona at the ambulance.." Dahyun said coming towards us..

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