Chapter 19

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Jeongyeon POV

I was still sleeping until I felt something more like someone move beside me..

I look To see Nayeon having an attack I quickly call the doctor and I hear him say.."Omo she's gonna die we have to be quick"under his breath...

I then froze from what I heard..I called the others to come...

I was just staring at the wall until I suddenly hear doctors shouting.. "CLEAR!"I was terrified..I was shaking uncontrollably and then I hear the others..."Jeongyeon oppa what happened??"Sana asked me..

"N-Nayeon..."I can't speak properly because of crying..the girls began crying too and the boys comfort them..

Jihyo was the one comforting me.."it's Okay Jeong..She strong okay be strong for her..she won't Like it if you keep crying nonstop"she said to me And I calm down..

[Few minutes later]

The doctor came out and I quickly stand up.."how is she doc?"I asked him..."I'm sorry"He said making me confused.."Why doc?? What happened??"I asked him impatient..

"We did everything to save her but I'm afraid she didn't make it we did our best sir I'm so sorry"He said making me frozen.."No.."I said under my breath.."NO! Where is she?!"I shake him.."on the surgery Roo-"I didn't let him finish as I dash to the surgery room...

I then see Nayeon there unconscious.. I quickly go to her.."Why Nayeon? Why?? Why did you Leave me?.."I asked her while tears keep rolling down my cheeks.."Why Please Tell me Why?!"I asked her again holding her cold hands until..













Jihyo POV

I was really hurt when Jeongyeon starts crying it hurt to see my cousin in that state because when we were kids he was always the one who protect me comfort me..but now I can't leave him in that kind of state..

The doctor came out and Jeongyeon quickly stand up and I stood up too but to hear.."....She didn't make it"I was shocked and sad at the same time Jeongyeon then shake the doctor... I quickly go to the doctor..

"I apologise for my cousin's behavior doc.."he then smile at me.."don't worry it's Normal to be like that if someone special or important to him didn't make it so I'm use to it.."he then took his hand.."I'm KimSeok Jin by the way"I politely shook his hand.."Jihyo..Park Jihyo"I said and smile..

"Guys were is Jeongyeon Hyung.." Mina asked.."on the surgery room sad to say Nayeon unnie didn't make it"I said sadly while sheding some tears..

They were shocked and the others continued Crying..

Jeongyeon POV

I holding her hand while tears kept rolling until my tears drop on her hand..

I then hear beeping sounds..I Look to see the machine is moving..I was shock and quickly called the doctor to inform him..he was shock too and quickly do his work..

Until a couple of minutes He then came towards me.."It's an unexpected results and her heart is still beating and now she's stable but we still don't know when she'll wake up but I can assure you she can still make it"he said and I sign of relief..

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