Chapter 6

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Someone came in the room I look at the person who came in to realize it's the boy crush in school it's..

"Kang Daniel?"I spoke without even realizing..he quickly go to Jihyo..
"Jihyo yah are you okay?"he said worriedly to her..Jihyo smile..
"Hey Daniel this is my childhood best friend aka cousin and jeong this is Daniel my Boyfriend"She said grinning.."Your Kang Daniel? The boy crush??"I said shocked..he just chuckled while nodding at I bid goodbye to them and go to my home to rest..I then got a message from the group chat

school meal club and one old man

Jeongie:aishh who named this group chat?

SavegeTzu:it was Dahyun

TofoEagle:yeshh it's me and Tzuyu remember I'm older than you so call me unnie you yoda

SavegeTzu:Do I need to? You don't look like one Tho

ChaeCub:hahaha he got you bro

TofoEagle:hmp your so mean Tzu~

Jeongie:hey guys what are you all doing?

SavegeTzu:uhh chatting you duh

ChaeCub:hahaha he's right hyung were chatting you

jeongie:aishh you bratt! I mean what are you doing other than chatting us

SavegeTzu:oh I'm just laying on my bed nothing special

ChaeCub: I'm just Watching some K dramas

TofoEagle:and I'm sitting on the couch.. and btw tomorrow I'm going to work out

SavegeTzu: nobody asked and nobody cares

TofoEagle:hey! Why are you always mean to me Tzu tzu

Jeongie:guys I'm going to sleep now goodnight

SavegeTzu: goodnight too



I turn off my phone and go to sleep



"Nayeon unnie"I called her.."hey what's up?"Nayeon unnie said.."I-I have something to tell you"I said stuttering.."Yeah what is it?"She said smiling.."I-I Love you as a crush"I said nervously.."well I Lo---

[Alarm rings]

I groaned and trow my alarm clock out the window and get myself ready to go to school..After my morning routine I got a Text message from the boys saying they are waiting outside so I go out to find out Dahyun and Tzuyu bickering..

"Why won't you respect me I'm older than you.. Call me unnie TzuTzu" Dahyun said to tzuyu.."I don't need to cause you Think Like a Kid"he said teasingly while sticking his tongue out
I just smile at them.."Hey! Enough bickering start walking"I said to make them stop..and we walk towards the school..

I go to my locker and saw a bunch of love letters..I sigh while grabbing them and throw them in the trash.
I then saw Nayeon unnie."hey why did you throw them all?"she asked me..I sigh."I don't like them"I said to her..I was about to ask her out but then..
"Hey Nayeon unnie!"Sana shouted..we than look at her.."oh Jeongyeon unnie hii!.. let's go to class together"Sana said Excitedly..I just nod and smile at her then she cling onto me..


Aishh that snake! What is she up to now clinging on Jeongyeon ughh I'm gonna kill her at home..Damn you Sanake!!..then I saw Tzuyu so I walk right pass them and go to Tzuyu.."hey You are Tzuyu right?"I asked him and he nodded.."are you class B?"I asked him.."uhh yes why?"He said confused. "Nothing just wanted to talk byee"I said then walked away leaving a dumbfounded Tzuyu..I saw Sana's Reaction and I smirked she than Let go of Jeongyeon..

[Skip Lunch]

We are on our spot like last time
This is our sitting arrangement:

I then Look at Sana Flirting on Tzuyu.
I just laugh at how Savege Tzuyu is and I Caught Jeongyeon Looking at me
I then excuse myself on the comfort room..

I was done doing my business so I am now washing my hands and I felt a tap on my shoulder so I look at who tap at me to realize that It's the girl who always bully me I was about to shout for help but they cover my mouth and then slap me I saw her about to slap me again so I Close my eyes waiting for the slap but I felt nothing..

I open them again to see...

Hey guys sorry for a short update I promise to make it interesting so if you like this story please do vote

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