Chapter 13

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Jeongyeon POV

I was walking towards towards the rooftop but I feel like some is Following me so I turn back to see Nothing...this is getting creepy...

I quickly go to the rooftop and wait for Nayeon to come here...

I Look at the beautiful view and I began thinking... should I do it? Maybe she won't like me back.. I'll Try to win her heart if it is the Last thing I'll do..
I then turn around to see if she's there and yep she's there walking towards me.."Hey what are we going to talk about?"she asked and smile at me showing her bunny teeth..

I was it was her?.. the girl that took care of me..She then realized and quickly cover her mouth.."i-its Not what it looks like"She said stuttering..I was so happy to know that it was her cause I've been Looking for that girl and I gave up when I was now college which is now.

"So you are the one who took me home huh?"I asked smiling brightly..
"Huh? You mean the boy who was crying in the Park?"She asked confused..

"Yeah that was me the one you took home.."I said and her face turn red.. I don't why tho.. I just shrugged..

"But I'm here to Tell you that uhh.."I started talking again..I sign.."I'm inLove with you Im Nayeon"I said seriously that made her shocked and Froze at her place..."I know you don't Love me back and Please give me a chance to Let you know that I Love you..will you Let me court you?"I asked her seriously..

an hour of silence..I think she don't me to court her.."Its Okay if---"I was cut off by her bold kiss..

I process everything and kiss her back..and we pull away Panting..
"Don't worry I Love you too"she said smiling revealing her cute bunny teeth..

"I'm not dreaming right??"I asked and slap myself..and she giggle and hug me.."No your not It's Real..I Love you Jeongieee~~"she said with aegyo..I giggle.."I have one Last question"I asked her smiling brightly.."hm what is it?"she asked happily.."Im Nayeon Will you allow me to take care of you and Making you smile short..Will you be My Beautiful Girlfriend??"I asked her happily...
"YES!! Jeongyeon Yes.."She said and we kiss for the second time...we pull away Panting...

I was so happy that I Lift her up and spin her around..."whoohoo!! IM NAYEON IS MINE PEOPLE!!! FINALLY I CAN CALL HER MINE!!..and mine alone"I shouted..she giggle.."I'm All yours and your all mine so don't you dare cheat on me or flirt with others" she warned me.."Yes Ma'am."I playfully salute at her and she giggle and playfully smack my shoulder...

"So shall we go My Lady"I asked her with my gentleman voice [I don't know if that's a thing but nah]
while giving her a hand and she took it happily...

We are now walking towards the road and As we cross the road I saw a car that is Driving so Fast towards us..

"Nayeon watch out!"I shouted And I quickly push Nayeon and everything went black...

Nayeon POV

I was feels like slow motion..
I quickly ran towards Jeongyeon while tears keep rolling down my cheeks..I saw Jeongyeon's head bleeding..."HELP!!..SOMEBODY HELP!!" I shouted with all my might...

I saw ambulance coming here and they took Jeongyeon and I go inside..
"Jeongyeon please Fight for me.."I said sobbing loudly..."Please don't Leave me.."I said while crying nonstop..

We arrive and they quickly took Jeongyeon to the operation room..I called our friends to inform them the news...And they arrive..."Nayeon noona what Happened??"Dahyun asked worriedly...I told them everything..."this is all my fault.."I said sobbing..they comfort me.."it's not your fault unnie you didn't know" Sana said assuring me..

"Yeah noona you didn't know...the one to blame is that Crazy Driver ugh.." Tzuyu said angrily..."Thank you guys for Taking care of me"I said and they smile saying 'it's Nothing'

After a couple of hours the doctor came out.."Mr. Yoo's Friends?"...we stand up..."Mr. Yoo has lost alot of blood during the incident.. his brain had a little damage but Luckily it's nothing serious but I'm afraid he will have a temporary amnesia or Brain lost and he is now stable so you can visit him anytime"he said and we Thank the doctor and he bow and left.

That actually broke my heart..what if he don't remember me?.."unnie don't think too much I'm sure he'll remember you.."sana said assuring me and we visited him to see him wide awake..he smile at us and we smile back at him..

"Are you okay Jeongie?"I asked him and he Look at me confused..

Then what he said Next Broke My Heart into pieces..

"Who are you?"

Hey another update and please do comment if you want me to add another couple Like Jenlisa or seulrene etc.. and if you like this please do vote and I'll update as soon as possible...

I Love You The way you are [2yeon]Where stories live. Discover now