Chapter 7

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I open my eyes to see Jeongyeon taking the slap..I know cause his cheeks is red..I then saw how terrified the girl's Face..

"J-Jeongyeon O-oppa?"She said scared.
"TOUCH HER AGAIN AND I WON'T THINK TWICE TO PUNCH YOU!,NOW SCRAM!!!"He shouted Loudly..then the girl ran away..

Jeongyeon then approach me and hold my face.."are you okay? did they hurt you?"He asked worriedly to me and wipe my tears that I didn't even realize..The others then came in running.."are you guys alright? we heard screaming" Dahyun said panting..we just nod and smile at them..

[Skip after school]

I was about to go home I Walk alone cause Sana,mina,and Momo are with their partners so I was about to go home then.."hey Nayeon unnie wanna go home together?"It was Jeongyeon..
"Uhh yeah sure"I said shyly..we walk in the hallway when.."Hey! Jeongyeon can I have a Favor?"y/n said panting..
"Yes sure what is it?"Jeongyeon asked.
"Your good at Kung Fu right?"y/n asked him.."yeah I know Kung Fu when I was a kid why?"he said..
"Help us cause Princess, or should I say Makay was injured so I want you to be her Temporary replacement is it okay?"y/n asked Jeongyeon.."yeah sure when is the training?"he asked.."I think tommorow and the tournament is Next week"y/n said.."yeah I'll start tommorow okay?"he said.."yeah suree"y/n said to Jeongyeon and run towards the Training court..we then continue walking.."so you will enter Kung Fu?"I asked him.."yeah and to be honest I Love doing Kung Fu but I had to quit cause My mom said I need to focus on my school so I don't have any choice so I quit..but I enter now cause I miss doing it and I will only be a Temporary Replacement"he said and I just nod in response

We then talk about rondom stuffs until I got to my house so I bid goodbye to him and Without realizing I kiss his cheeks and I run inside blushing madly..


"Sh-She kissed me"I said to myself Blushing while holding the place where Nayeon kissed him and smiling  Like an idiot..

He continued smiling Like that until he reach his home..he open the door happily.."hey bro why are you smiling like an idiot?"his sister asked him..
"I'm Just happy don't Judge"He said while quickly change his expression
"are you inlove or something?"she asked me teasingly.."aishh No okay No
I'm Just happy period"I said annoyed and go to my room..I used my phone to stalk Nayeon unnie then I receive a message from the Group chat

School Meal Club and one Old man

ChaeCub:guys I confessed to Mina and she accepted it!!

SavegeTzu:same with Sana!!

TofoEagle:same Momo accepted me too!!

SavegeTzu:ohh myy. I better say my GoodLuck to Momo

TofoEagle:yah~ why me again aishh you Savege Yoda!!

Jeongie:wow my kids are growing

SavegeTzu:Were not kids. Your the only kid cause your still single.

ChaeCub:his single but he's ready to mingle hahaha

Jeongie:yah!! You bratts! How dare you!! I'm your Father!

SavegeTzu:are you sure? Cause you look like our grandfather hahaha

Jeongie:aishh you Savege yoda stop!

TofoEagle:yeah I know right he's always Like that!

SavegeTzu:were not talking to you.

TofoEagle:aishh here we go again

Jeongie:btw guys Just so you know I enter the Kung Fu Tornament and it's Next week

ChaeCub:I thought you quit so you can continue on your study?

Jeongie: I'm just a Temporary Replacement.

SavegeTzu: GoodLuck then hyung

TofoEagle: I'm going to sleep now guys

SavegeTzu:No need to say cause we don't care.

TofoEagle: aishhh meanie~

Jeongie:me too guys so goodnight

I put an alarm to my phone cause I throw my alarm clock at the window and I turn off my phone smiling and call it a Day.

Hey guys thanks for the support by the way and please vote if you like this story and I will make more

I Love You The way you are [2yeon]Where stories live. Discover now