Chapter 11

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Nayeon's POV

I was waiting for Jeongyeon to finish their training cause he won't let me go alone since the 'Incident' well I kinda Understand him his just protecting me and I appreciate it...

Wow he's really good at Kung Fu..I thought while staring at him...he then look at me and I quickly turn my head while blushing..oh my he caught me. What if he will think I'm Crazy?
What if---

My mind was cut off by a girl who stood in front of me.."hey is this sit taken?"the girl asked and I shook my head No and she sat beside me...

"Hi my name is Jennie by the way.. Kim Jennie"she said and smile at me

"Oh uhh H-hi Im Nayeon is my name"
I said nervously to her...

Jeongyeon then approach us and greet me..."um hey Jeong this is Kim Jennie and Jennie this is Yoo Jeongyeon"I introduce them both...but Jeongyeon was shocked and he froze then frown.. "J-Jennie?"He said shocked.."hi Jeong"she said and smile...

Jeongyeon POV

What the hell is she doing here! she cheated on me and left me years ago then comeback Like Nothing happened! "Nayeon Let's go"I said and grab Nayeon's hands.."Jeong wait Let's talk" she said.."wait you two know each other?"Nayeon said confused.."There's Nothing Left to Talk about Jennie we're over years ago"I said coldly to her.."Nayeon Let's go now"I dragged Nayeon with me and Left Jennie Dumfounded...

We were outside and I Let go of her.. "Jeong is she your ex?"She asked me and I nodded and continue walking My tears were about to fall remembering her but I controlled it I don't want let Nayeon see my weak we continue walking she kept bugging me to tell it to her but I just stay silent..

"C'mon Jeong pleasee"she asked me and I sign.."I'll tell when I'm ready okay?"I said to her..she then Nodded sadly we then bid goodbye and parted ways...when I got home I immediately go to my parents and sister is overseas they didn't Let me come cause I still have school....I cried my eyes out as I remember her..

she was my everything, my Life and My soul but she broke my heart..


Me and Jennie where Bestfriends until one day she got caught into an car accident I was scared that she might leave me..

"Jennie please fight..fight for me please I still didn't say how much I Like you.." I said while crying nonstop...

Her eyes then open and smile at me.. "did I heard it wrong? You Like me?" she said while smiling weakly..I then Nodded.."Yes it's true I Liked you No..I Love you ever since I first saw you"I said to her.."I know you don-"I was cut off my her.."don't say that..I Love you too"she said while smiling weakly..This was The best Day Ever

[1 Month Later]

I don't know why Jennie is so cold to me Lately..and when I ask her out she would always decline or would come up of a excuse and it's making me worry and curious..but I still trust her

[Next day]

It's her birthday today so I will make it special by surprising her and proposing..hehe I need to prepare everything..

[A few hours Later]

Now I'm done..she doesn't know I took a day off and I said to her that I will be coming home tommorow and she believe me...I heard footsteps so I'm now hiding and I turn off the lights..

She went inside and turn on the Lights.."SURPRISE!!"I shouted happily but my smile fade away as I saw her and a guy making out and was shock by my surprise my tears then fall..
"Jeong Wait I can Explain"she said to me.."EXPLAIN?! EXPLAIN WHAT JENNIE?! THAT WHY ARE YOU MAKING OUT WITH ANOTHER GUY?!"I shouted angrily.."AM I NOT ENOUGH?!.."they were silent..

"ANSWER ME JENNIE!"she didn't respond and just Looked Down.."I TRUSTED YOU I TRIED TO UNDERSTAND YOU I LOVED YOU AND THIS IS WHAT YOU RETURN TO ME?!" I angrily slammed the table..I then took out the ring.."DO YOU SEE THIS?! I WAS GOING TO PROPOSE TO YOU BUT THERE'S NO NEED OF THIS NOW!!"I shouted and trow the ring outside and Leave Her house Running

I then stop by the park and it started raining..I was crying nonstop..

"Hey what are you doing under the rain"a cute girl asked me.. "That's...Non...of....your Business"I said still crying.."hey don't worry I'm a good listener and I won't force you but you need to be out of the rain you might get a cold"the cute girl said softly and smile revealing her bunny tooth.. she's so cute..I thought and follow her.."so where do you live?"she asked me.."xxx street..Thank you for talking to me by the way"I said to her and smile slightly

When I got home I bid goodbye to her and immediately go to my room and cry since then I never Smile nor Laugh

But when DaChaeTzu came along I was going to my old self and will start a new beginning...

[Flashback Ends]

I kept crying until I fell Asleep

[Next day]

I woke up then go to the bathroom and saw how puffy my eyes are from crying yesterday...

I then do my morning routine and wore my uniform and I put on a nice jacket since it's a cold weather today..

I got to school and we're welcome by my friends greeting..we didn't came together today cause their going to pick up their partners..

"Hey bro what happened? Your eyes are so puffy"Chae asked me.."chae I'm not in the mood to talk right now and if you excuse me I need to go to my class bye"I said then walk out

Chaeyoung's POV

I'm sure something must have happened hyung isn't Like that and his eyes are so puffy..I need to find Nayeon noona cause she was with Jeongyeon yesterday..

"Hey Chaeyoung ah something bothering you?"Minari asked me..I just smile at her and said No...

[Lunch Time]

Me and My Minari are on our way to the cafeteria and find a spot for us 8 to fit.. then we wait for the others to join us..until all of them are here except for Nayeon noona and Jeongyeon hyung...few minutes later and they came together..

"Hey Bro care to tell us?"I asked Jeongyeon hyung.."She's Back guys My ex"he said and made us shocked except for the girls.."hey oppa would you tell us too?"Nayeon noona asked..
Hyung sign and nodded and he told them everything

Jeongyeon POV

After School Nayeon went home first cause her mother is back and she's excited to see her mother again..So I went into a Nerby Coffee shop and Buy some coffee.. I found a spot that is close to the window so I sat there and watched The view while siping my coffee..

But then someone sat infront of me

Hey guys another update hope you like it and I know it's getting boring and please do Vote if you liked it..

And tell me if I should make another couple here like Chaesoo, Jenlisa,seulrene etc. What do you think? Tell me on the comments..

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