Chapter 5

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I Left the coffee shop sadly and go to school I was walking deep in though my thoughts were cut off when I saw a girl being bullied so I ran to them

"HEY! LEAVE OR ELSE!"I shouted at them."or else what huh? Gonna Fight me?oh I'm scared"he said my blood is boiling but I gotta keep my cool.."Do you know who your talking to?"I asked them calmly.."Oh Yes I know you are that dumb transferee"he said while I can't keep it I ran to them and beat them up..

Then They gave up and ran away..I walk towards the girl.."hey are you okay??"I asked softly and she Looked at me full of tears.."T-thank you f-for saving me m-mister"she said stuttering and shaking really badly..I wipe her tears and carry her in bridal style and taking her to the clinic..

I put her down the bed and let the nurse treat her bruises..

The nurse said that she's okay so I go in and approach her.."hey Are you okay now??"I asked softly.."Yes Thank you for Saving me"she said and smile brightly at me.. she's cute..I smile back at her.."I'm Jeongyeon by the way"I said.."and I'm


I open the door while holding my pan ready to smack who evers there

"NAYEON UNN--"I smack the person who shouted."ouchh heyy! Why you do that it hurts"Sana said pouting while rubbing her face.."sorry Sana I thought you were an introder"I said to her while rubbing my non itchy neck.."aishh okay fine but Where here to have a SLEEPOVER!!"She said Excitedly and ran inside..aishh the hyper Sana is back while Momo ran towards the and Mina follow them behind..

We watch K dramas and eat foods, talking about rondom Things but then

"Hey you never told us you like him or not"Mina suddenly said that made me nervous..while Sana and Momo smirking.."I-I uhh umm"I can't say a word.."c'mon we won't tell"Sana said.. I guess I don't have a choice.."Okay fine yes I have a crush on him"I said quickly and they all laugh but then I got an Idea."Well I'm not the only one" I said smirking while watching their confused face.."well Momo has a Crush on Dahyun and Mina has a crush on Chaeyoung and Sana has a crush on Dahyun"I said smirking while looking at their red faces.."well I have a confession to make I like Tzuyu as a crush but I like Dahyun as a Friend"Sana said blushing madly..
"S-says who? I-I don't have a crush on that Chaeyoung guy"Mina said while blushing madly.."are you sure?"I said teasingly while smirking.."maybe a little"she mumbled loud Enough for me to hear.."oops I heard that"I said Laughing.."and Yes I have a crush on Dahyun"Momo said while blushing


"And my name is Jihyo..Park Jihyo"she said smiling brightly at me..but her face reminds me of someone "ohh you remind me of someone. I have a cousin when was Little we were like best friends but then she moved to another country so I was sad but I just hope we'll meet again"she said that made me think deeply..but then I remembered my cousin my childhood best friend is it her?.."J-Jihyo? Do you have a real name but you just changed it?"I asked her.."Yes I have and it's Park Jisu but I changed my name to Park Jihyo"she said that made me shock and hug her tightly..
"Jisu yah don't you remember me?"I said while sheding tears of joy..

"Wait Don't Tell me"she said shock..
"Your Yoo jeongie?!"she asked me..
"Yes,Yes it's me Jisu yah"I said


I was going to say goodbye to Jisu but my mom was in a hurry so I just made a letter for her while sheding couple of tears cause I will never see her again..

Jihyo received the letter from Jeongyeon and she was sheding tears cause the letter says

Dear,Jisu yah
Hey Jisu yah sorry if I'm going to be away and never coming back we'll I don't know if I'm going back or not but that's what my parents said so Yeah and I'm sorry if I can't keep my promise to protect you cause I won't be there and I didn't say goodbye to you properly because my mom is in a hurry so I made this letter to remind you I didn't forget you I hope we'll meet in the future unnie I Love you Always Take care always okay

Your cousin/Best friend

Jihyo always take the letter with her so she can't forget him ever

[Flashback Ends]

"We met again jeongie I thought I won't meet you again"She said hugging me back tightly

But the someone came in

Yow guys if you want me to write more please do vote if you want and I will make sure to make it interesting than boring please let me know if you have any suggestions in the comments

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