Chapter 8

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I was walking in the hallway when I bumped into Nayeon unnie.."Nayeon unnie what are you doing here?"I asked her.."just walking by..btw wanna go to that coffee shop nearby?" She asked me smiling brightly.."yeah sure don't mind if I do"I said to her and we walk to towards the coffee shop.

When we we're crossing the road I saw a car driving very fast and Nayeon unnie was about to cross but I pull her arm towards me causing us to hug..we we're blushing madly..
"Jeongyeon I have something to tell you..I-I Love you"she said and about to run but I grab her and kiss her.then we pull out and start saying.. "Jeongyeon wake up."she said I was confused then..

"JEONGYEON WAKE UP NOW OR ELSE YOU WILL BE LATE!!!"mom shouted at me..I then do my morning routine quickly..

I arrive at school and I was late..I open the door and everyone's eyes are on me.."Mr. Yoo why are you Late?" the teacher asked.."sorry for being Late sir I overslept sir I promise I won't do it again"I said and bow at him and go to my seat..

[skip P.E. Class]

"Mr. Yoo go now to the training court I Repeat Mr. Yoo go now to the training court"the announcer said

I almost forgot about the Kung Fu Tornament so I quickly go to the training court.."hey ready for training?"Ly asked me.."yeah I'm so ready"I said Excitedly and start my training..


We are now at the cafeteria except for Jeongyeon who is on his training so We continued without him..And then we finished..

I was on my way to my third subject which is P.E. and then I pass by the training court and I watch Jeongyeon Fight and I gotta say he's really good at Kung Fu..

[Skip After school]

I was on my way to my house when suddenly a guy put his hands on my mouth and he drag me to an dark alleyway.."what do you want from me!!"I shouted at them.."we just want to have some fun"he said smirking evilly..I was scared to death and he was about to touch me when

"HEY LEAVE HER ALONE YOU B*TCH" someone shouted and punch them away.. then the person Walk towards me.."are you okay miss?"she asked me and I just nod while shaking and when I stand up everything went black..


I was done training and I was about to leave when I heard my phone rang I saw that my sister is calling me..

"Hey Do you happen to know anyone named Im Nayeon?"

"Yess wait what happened?"

"I saw someone was about to rape her And I save her and she fainted so I brought her to the hospital"

"Which hospital is she in?!"

"******* Hospital"

I hang up the phone call and quickly drove to the hospital and I go inside and talk to the nurse.."hey where is the room of Im Nayeon?"I asked her..
"Room 143 sir"she said and I quickly find her room and go inside

To see her laying on the hospital bed unconscious.."oh my what happened to you Nayeon unnie"I said while tearing up it's hard to see the Love of your Life laying unconscious on a hospital bed..

"I wish I could have the courage to Tell you what I feel"I said tears roll down my cheeks while caressing her Cheeks softly..

I then quickly wipe my tears when she was about to wake up.. "J-Jeongyeon"she said weakly and tearing up.."yes I'm here sorry for not coming with you Nayeon unnie"I said while caressing her face.."I-I'm Scared"she said weakly

I grab my phone and chat them

School meal club and one old man

Jeongie:guys can you come here Nayeon unnie had an accident.

SavegeTzu:why what happened?

Jeongie:hard to explain just come here.

ChaeCub:okay we will be there jeongie

TofoEagle:guys what happened??

SavegeTzu:can you read? It's clear that Jeongyeon said it's hard to explain

TofoEagle:aishh Fine Sorry Mr. Smart😒

SavegeTzu:I didn't say I'm smart but Thank you

ChaeCub:guys it's not time for your bickering Jeongyeon needs us

I turn off my phone and wait for them..

[Few minutes later]

"Hyung we're here"they said in a union.."Wow you guys are EARLY"I said sarcastically.."sorry hyung we got caught on traffic"Dahyun said

"Soo how did you guys date the girls?" I asked them.."well.."they said


"Hey umm Momo Will you go out with me?"Dahyun asked Momo..
"Sure as long as there is FOOD!!" Momo said Excitedly.. Dahyun just chuckled and they went out

"Hey Momo I have something to tell you"Dahyun said.."sure what is it?" Momo asked him.."I-I Like you.. Romantically"he said nervously.."I kno--"she kissed me on the lips I was shocked.."I Like You too"she said and smile.."so will you be my girlfriend?"he asked.."YES!"


"Hey umm Mina I want to Tell you that I Love you as a crush"he said boldly.."I was hoping Will you be my Girlfriend?"he asked her..Mina kissed Chaeyoung boldly.."does that answer your question?"she said smiling


Tzuyu received a Letter saying to Meet him at the rooftop and he just go to find out it was Sana

"Tzuyu I Love you Romantically" she said nervously."I know you don't Lo---"she was cut off when Tzuyu kissed her.."I love you Sana unnie and one Last question"he said.."Will you be my Girlfriend? Yes or Yes?"he asked and Sana chuckled while sheding some tears."YES TZUYU YES!!"she shouted

[Flashback Ends]

Sorry for the Late update I was busy on my upcoming test and I hope you understand..I wi do my best to update as fast as possible so I hope you can Vote this

I Love You The way you are [2yeon]Where stories live. Discover now