chapter 22(unedited)

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Third person pov

Alex is now in front of the place where Jake and lily  was staying. He came here in disguise because there were press in front of his house  and couldn't just let them to see either Chris or him . So he let Chris bodyguard to handle and here he came to talk with lily.

He was about to enter but he saw there was lots of security. They asked him whom he wanted to meet and he said what he had to say and when he heard that they immediately inform Jake and then Jake specifically order them that not to let him enter and tell him not to meet lily from now on. She don't want to , actually she will not meet him and to those related to Chris.

That made Alex mad because he was here to talk with lily,to convince her to meet with Chris  at least once but he didn't knew she would be that much heartless . He thought she loved Chris at least for once , then why can't she see he is dying,ruining his life everyday. It also effecting their daughter. Why he fell in love with such a heartless girl? Can't she give him at least one chance to rectify his mistake? No ,he will not back up...he have to do it for his friend,his brother.

"Lily I know you are here...please let me enter ...I have to talk about Chris...he is in pain...just talk to him once...lily....lily just ...I know you are engaged but just talk to him...he is in bad condition...please hear him once..."

From the window Jake was observing everything...he was raging right now dare Chris to sent his friend to meet his lily...that pathetic actor...he was thankful to God that lily was she was not here to see their bullshit...he will not let him or any of his minion to meet his lily. No...he and lily had seen he inform his head security to throw that man out of their house. He was being polite all time long but not anymore ...for her sake...for their sake he will do anything to stop that prick.

On the other hand Alex was screaming in front of lily's house but security was able to throw him out . He was about to stood up but suddenly stumble and clash with someone.

"Hey it...are you blind or something !" He saw a girl.was staring at him with irritation but then her expression got change which replaces with confusion "hey I have seen you somewhere... wait..are you ...I just can't remember where I have seen you...wait...why are you screaming like a maniac...?" "I am here to see lily...I need to talk with her...but these dogs are not letting me to meet her..." "But why are you and what are you wants to talk about with her...?do you know her?as far I know you are not her friend or relative...but you seems familiar" "and you are ?" "I am her best friend but who are you ?" "Please tell your friend to meet me once ,I need to talk with's very important" "whoa ... wait why do you think I will talk to her and tell her to talk with you...who the hell are you...wait are you crazy fan or something...just get the hell out before I call the cops..." When she saw that he was not moving an inch then she was about to call the cops suddenly he snatched her phone "hey are you crazy...give me my phone...what the hell...guards...guards...unmmmm" he close her mouth with his palm

"Crazy woman...just shut the hell up...and for your kind information I am not may fan or crazy fan of her...I am here to talk something else..." "Ummmph...ummm" "I will remove my palm if you decide to shut up..." He look at her if she nod or what ...when he realized that she is nodding then he decided to put his palm out of her mouth "uffff jeez ...i am giving you a minute... whether you tell me or I am calling cops.." he took her in his car "hey where are you dragging" "Just shut up...I am not kidnapping you..damn it...just listen to me once "

When they went near his car he remove his makeup and long hair....."whoa..what ...who are you!" "I am Alex...Chris best friend,his manager..his lawyer" "oh my god that's why you seems familiar but why are you screaming in front of her house?" He just sigh "Chris not good ..he is killing himself every moment by remember her memories..her refusal,her cruel words...he needs help and only she can help him...only she can handle him...I don't want to lose him " "wow...I have never thought that Chris will ever go through the pain which once killed lily. And now when she found her happiness he came back to ruin her?why should you think that he should listen to any of you? He has done enough mess in her life tell him to grow up and leave her alone. You have no idea what she went through?"

"Do you have any idea what Chris went through! It's not all about lily...if you get to know about Chris pain you will then understand why I am begging her to see him once...I don't want him to die over her memory..please...I am tired now..."

She looked at him with pity eyes...even she knew that Chris was suffering and how lily was using Jake to forget her pain..she knew her friend that much and he also thinks that they both need to talk,they both need to grow up and act like a mature she decided something.

"You want to talk to her right?" Her question make him lighten up a bit "yes...but how?" "Well even I think they need to talk but you have to give me a valid reason that why they should meet have to  about what pain you are talking about?then I can decide whether to convince her or not"

He thought for a minute ,he have to do it for Chris..after all he deserves happiness "ok..but not here..we can talk at a restaurant..." "Well in know a restaurant near  this house..we can go there" "Okay then let's go"

They went to a near restaurant and took their seats "oh I am sorry to ask your name ..." "Oh. Umm...I am Valerie.. lily's best friend ,well apart from Chris..well he used to I am her only friend." " you know both of them from the beginning..?" "Umm kind of ..well I know her from our middle school...she used to so introvert and so shy.. but also insecure..and I was opposite of her..but our friendship clicked,don't know how...anyway... That's old about you and Chris met ?" "Well we know each other from our college time...I was his roommate and then became friends and from then we are still stick together. " A waiter came to serve them and they politely smile at him.

"You know when everything was fine we all used to come here a lot, especially Chris and lily. They used to be hang out a lot. All the people of our neighborhood used to adore them..they wish to see them as a couple and lily also wished that . But we all know every dream do not turn into reality because reality is harsh and lily has seen it very well. "

She stopped talking suddenly "well you are right.. reality is indeed harsh and not only lily but also Chris have seen it as you want to know how?" That made her attention towards Alex "how?"

Then one by one he told her every incident from the moment lily left him,his addiction,his popularity,his suffocation,his untold truth which is only known by some of Chris dear ones.

"Oh my god...oh my ..." His confession made her cry..she was now in tears..she always and only see lily's pian but never ever thought in her life that she get know about Chris disturbed life..never in her life she thought that Chris will suffer like that...but now she is worrying that how will lily react..she will break down..she will not able to forgive herself...and now she thinks that lily must meet him and she will help to reunite those poor Hearts.

"Hey hey calm down..ssh.."now Alex was consoling Valerie..he was rubbing her back and people were staring at them as if he make her cry "hey people are staring at us..they will think I am the bastard who is making you cry " "I ...wi...will..i..will help you..." That caught his attention "you..what ?" "Yes ,I will help you...she have to listen...she becoming stubborn day by day but I will not let her ruin her life mad both of the men life . She need to see his side also...she have to let him in... because only they can cure each other...and this time we will make it happen...and for this I have a plan...are you with me?" He gave her a smirk "then why are we waiting?"

Welllll Alex and Valerie had taken the responsibility to reunite them..
So what might be her plan..?for that You have to wait for the next update...and I need to finish this book because I am becoming lazy ass...and have another book to write .. ugggh anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter... follow,share and pleaaaaaase vote...don't be a silent reader...thanks ..bye 😘😍

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