Spying On Sticks

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Sticks immediately sits up, viewing herself in the school infirmary. "What...the?" She mumbles, trying to recall what has happened. "Oh you're awake. Mrs Lovely! She's awake!" Sticks hears a voice shout beside her. She glances to the right to see Amy; a sweet smile on her face and holding some books. "Hey. What the hell happened?" Sticks questions, tilting her head at the hedgehog. She couldn't remember much after the punch. Amy walks to the chair beside the bed, stretching her arms outward. Handing Sticks the books, "Well, after you confronted the delinquents, Fiona punched you and you seemed to fall asleep whilst I helped you walk away." Amy explained, now that she thinks about it... did she have to help her? Amy wouldn't of cared if Sticks was beaten up. "Oh... well thanks for helping me Ames." Sticks forms a warm smile, to someone who isn't calling her crazy for once. The nurse soon enters holding a bottle of medicine and a spoon. She smiles seeing her patient is finally awake, "Hello Sticks, thank you for coming Amy dear." The nurse paces to the other side of the bed. Then leans over as she pours some of the medicine on the spoon. "Just need to have one spoon full Sticks. Then you can go home early." Sticks just nods with a blank look, not caring about the medicine. She opens her mouth, rather hesitant since she never liked the taste of medicine. The nurse pushes the spoon onto the badgers mouth. Who quickly swallows the liquid, hating the taste. The nurse smiles taking away the spoon, "Good sweetie! I'll call your father to pick you up-" Mrs Lovely glances over to Amy. "-You can stay here a little longer if you'd like Amy." Amy nods with a fake smile. She might as well stay to question Sticks. Wondering why on earth she'd blame her Shadow. He may seem bad but he doesn't deserve to be treated like that.

The nurse exits the room to call Sticks father. Amy crosses her arms, "Now, why did you accuse the delinquents?" Sticks groans, rolling her eyes. Irritating Amy. However she hid her true emotion. "Duh! They're awful people. Especially Shadow, he could've killed that poor guy over some drugs." Amy left eye twitches, angered by Sticks attitude to her senpai. It was her who killed him, not a nice and sweet guy like Shadow. She convinced herself no matter what that these deaths weren't Shadow's fault or hers. It was the corpses fault for trying to get in the way of their love. Amy shakes her head, "No not Shadow. He may be aggressive at times, but I know for sure his anger won't over take to kill anyone." She denied. Sticks turns her head away from the girl. Clearly doubting her. "Yeah sure..." She says, dragging the words out. Amy stands up in defeat, no matter what she knows Sticks won't change her opinion. This may effect not only herself but Shadow. Sticks may find out about her killing Cream; Then pin it on Shadow! "I'm going back to class." Amy says, gritting her teeth. Holding in her anger. She needs to be calm, learn more about Sticks before getting rid of her. The hedgehog quickly walks out of the room, not bothering to say goodbye to Sticks. Hopefully she can get rid of her before the party on Friday. For tonight she will stalk her. To know where the badger goes after school to form a plan.


Rain. It had to rain at the end of school. Aggravating Sticks. Since she has to get food from the shop. Thanks to her dad; Who was too lazy to go so he made his daughter go. She walks down an alley way, noticing a small camera nearby. The camera was set just above the restaurants backdoor, it was there because there was a robbery. The robbers got through because of the back door. The owner became paranoid after that incident, he decided to put cameras in and around the building. As Sticks took three more step forward, nearing the end of alley. To hear more steps from behind her, she turns her head behind her. Only to be pushed up against the wall. She closes her eyes from the impact. This happened too quick for her to even react. Opening her eyes to view a red fox. Scowling down at her, "You got some nerve!" She growls. Slamming her hands on each side of the badgers face. Trapping her. "Excuse me?" Sticks, trying her best to hide in her fear. Unfortunately, she failed, her questions comes out as a whimper. Fiona eye twitches in frustration, "Trying to blame me and the others for murder. I might as well break your fucking legs." Sticks eyes widen. "Y-you wouldn't... After all, what will y-your parents think?" She says in defense, thinking this was the only way to get out of this. Fiona stiffens for a second, rethinking her statement. Before shaking her head. Suddenly, she leans her face closer to Sticks. Who backs away as far as she can, pushing her head against the wall. Fiona's lips move up to Sticks left ear, causing the badger to blush from how close the two were. This Fox says;

"Try to accuse me or my boyfriend of murder...I WILL kill you myself." Making Sticks heart drop. Was Fiona seriously threatening her with death? The fox moves away, now placing her hands on her hips. Still glaring at the now frightened girl. "You got that?" Sticks answers with a nod. Fiona straighten her black jacket, which was given to her as a gift from her boyfriend. "Good." She says, stomping out of the alley. Going back home. Leaving a frightened Badger, staring down the alley (Where Fiona left). Waiting for some kind of jump scare from the fox. A sigh of relief escapes the girls mouth, thankful she didn't come back. This encounter only made her suspect Fiona more as the killer. She threatened her after all! She decides to look more into this later on, jogging the opposite direction Fiona went. To get to the shop then back in the safety of her home. Once she leaves the alley, a pink hedgehog stumbles out of her hiding spot: which was inside a big trash bin. She groans as she falls onto the ground. Slowly, the hedgehog stands, using the side of the bin as support. Then gazes up at the camera, recording her. A sinister smirk forms, 'Guess I could this as an advantage~'  

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