The 8th Rival

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"You fucking bastard!!" Sonic throws another punch, this time hitting Shadow. Who falls back, blood escaping his mouth. Shadow quickly stands up to push Sonic, "I haven't done shit faker!" Shadow deflects, kicking the blue hedgehog in the stomach. Sonic hunches over, groaning from the pain. The crowd mostly cheered for Shadow; most knew how strong he was. Nobody knew how/why did this fight start. It was just so sudden. With Shadow doing the first punch. It didn't take long for a teacher to stop the fight. Unluckily though, it was the principle who did so. The two hedgehogs were now stuck in his office, whilst the rest of the students are now in class. Amy was worried for her senpai. Hoping he won't be in too much trouble. He may of started the fight, but Sonic was provoking him. Sonic initiated the fight. Not Shadow. "Amy, are you even listening?" Her teacher asks in an irritated tone. Breaking her out of her thoughts. Amy grabs her pen and grins nervously, "I-I am sir!" The teacher huffs, continuing his speech on the work.

Amy couldn't care this time. Her mind was set on Shadow. Hoping he was safe. She tried to continue on with the lesson, even if her mind would wonder back to her love. Once the bell rings, she quickly grabbed all of her stuff and ran out of the classroom. Running to the principle's office. Just in time to see Shadow walking out; he didn't seem sad or happy. Just... passive? Shadow heeds Amy and walks over to her. Seeing her worried look. Amy raises her hand up to his left cheek, checking if he was injured. "Are you ok? Did Sonic start the fight? What did the principle say? How are-" Shadow stops her rambling by holding her hand against his cheek. Staring deep into her emerald eyes, "Calm down, rose. I'm alright. Apart from the bleeding and a couple of bruises, I'm alright." Amy leans up to give a quick kiss to his lips. "Good! If Sonic actually injured you I would've knocked him out with my hammer." Shadow lets out a small giggle, slowly pulling Amy's hand off of his cheek. To have it beside his hip, holding her hand. "Yeah. But I won't be for the rest of the day. And tomorrow." Amy pouts, her grip on his hand tightens. "Aw, really?" He answers with a small nod. "But I made you cookies." Amy uses her free hand to reach into her bag. Pulling a bag of chocolate chip cookies. Shadow blushes at her kindness. "I thought we could eat them together at lunch." "Well-- if you let me take these home, then I'll promise to make it up to you." He winks, placing a hand on top of the bag. Amy smiles, "Oh really? How will you make up for it?" "I don't know. Maybe, a movie date at yours? For us to be alone, so no one can interrupt us?" Shadow leans closer, grinning at Amy. She lets go of the bag, letting Shadow take it. "I'd like that. Let's say, tomorrow at 8:30?" "That sound gre-"


A broad and raspy voice shouts, interrupting Shadow from agreeing. Amy looks to the source of the voice, viewing a black hedgehog. Wearing some gold chains with spiked ornaments around his neck. Shadow growls at the older hedgehog; he was rather surprised to see his dad act 'civil' for once. "Hey doom." Shadow says, venom in his voice. Amy looks questionably at the male, who looks down at her. As if he was examining her. "Who are you?" Black Doom asks, ignoring his son. "I'm Amy, Amy rose. Are you Shadow's dad or something?" He nods, his eyes wander down for a small second. Which Shadow noticed. He dad was still drunk. He gently shoves Amy behind him, "Let's get going Doom. I'll text you later, rose." Shadow grabs his dads arm, earning a hard glare from him. He didn't care if this starts a fight at home. He just wanted his dad far away form his rose. Amy watches them leave, waving goodbye to Shadow with a warm smile. Now she can plan on getting rid of Sonic.

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