A Panty Shot?

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Amy peeks around the corner; watching Tails and Sonic walking with the sports club. She has been rethinking her plan again and again. Feeling disgusted on how her plan will start. Unfortunately this first stage is all she could think of. Just thinking of the plan makes her skin crawl. But this is for her Shadow. Amy will do anything to keep him (and herself) safe. So if she needs to take panty shots to frame someone; then so be it. Amy stalks the fox and his club as they walk past the changing rooms. As the group walk closer to the entrance of the male changing room, Tails states "Excuse me guys, but I need a quick shower. Running the track can really cause a sweat." He jokes wiping some sweat from his forehead. Sonic just nods, he knows Tails isn't much of a sports kind of guy. "Ok Tails, we'll see you in the Gym!" Tails enters the changing rooms, as the sports club members chatter begins to fade. Leaving the area. Amy gulps, turning her head left then right. Checking if no one else was here. She was going into the men's changing room, god this will be so embarrassing if anyone catches her. They may think she's a pervert. Amy quickly, and quietly, goes into the forbidden mens room.

The first thing she views are the rows of lockers; one locker was slightly open. Tails was nowhere to be seen. Must've already gone to the showers (Which are in the other room). Amy sneaks over to the locker and fully opens it: there was a hung up male school uniform, school trainers at the bottom, a phone with an orange phone case and to the side were a couple of pictures with the yellow fox and Sonic. Definitely Tails' locker. Amy grabs the phone, closes the locker and slips out. She runs into the school building, standing in the middle of a hallway. Nearby her classroom. She sighs in relief, 'Good got the phone...Now I have to be disgusting' Amy needs to do this. She might as well get the disgusting part of this plan out of the way first. The problem is... who can she do this too? It needs to be someone who's alone. There was a couple of people in the hallway, so she can't do it here. 'For now, I'll just get to class early and sort this out later' Amy thought. Entering her classroom and to her surprise; Cosmo was the only one inside the room. Sitting on her desk (Which is at the front of the class). Amy skips over to her friend, Cosmo looks up from her book. Then smiles once she sees her friend, "Hey Amy." Cosmo greets.

"Hi Cosmo, you doing extra work or..?" Amy stops to wait for an answer. Cosmo raises her hand to lean her cheek against it. In a bored manner. "Yes unfortunately. I need to so I can have-" Her pen rolls off her desk. Landing onto the floor, continuing to roll away from them. Cosmo groans, standing up. "Hang on." Cosmo walks to the pen and bends over. Amy gulps, hesitant to the idea that popped into her head. She takes deep breath, in a quick reaction she takes out Tails' phone. Taking a picture of Cosmo bending over. Putting the phone away as Cosmo gets back up with her pen. "Gosh darn pen." She mutters sitting back down onto her desk. Amy grins pretending she did not do something so awful to her friend. Amy awkwardly laughs, doing her best to hide her shame. "Y-yeah gosh darn that pen! A-anyway let's talk about stuff other than school." Amy suggests. The two chatted until the bell rung for the lesson to begin. 

~~~ Lunch Time~~~

Tails rolls up the cookie dough, "Thanks for helping out with the cooking Tails." Blaze says, setting small plates around the pink table. Preparing them for snacks that the club will be having. "No problem! I want to help out more, since all this stuff has been going on, I thought we could make people more... relaxed." He explains. Blaze nods understanding his motive. It has been hard on most people about the disappearances in school. "Yeah... I-I'll be back in a sec; I will get the club members." Blaze leaves the club room, leaving the sliding door open. Tails waits a couple of seconds, then sneaks out of the room. Peeking over the corner, watching Blaze. He did suspect her to be the kidnapper; a typical quiet shy girl who'd turn out to be a killer. He watches Blaze, seeing the cat walk down the corridor, turning to the left. Tails quickly follows, his head peeping out of the corner of the hall. To view her talking with the cooking club members. Well at least she was honest, but this doesn't mark her off as a suspect yet. He had gotten rather paranoid since the disappearances of his friends. Even when someone asks to go to the bathroom during class; he thinks of them as a suspect.

 Tails flies back to the club room fast. Going back to his counter... that's when he notices something different. Beside the cookie dough was his phone. His mouth slightly opens in surprise... how did it get here? Did someone find it? Many questions popped into his head. Tails picks it up, examining it to see if anything had changed. Nothing. He shrugs his shoulders, happy that he got his phone back at least. Then continues with his baking.

~~~In The Counselors Office~~~

"Hello Amy, what can I help you with?"

"Erm well... I came to report a student of having lewd photos on their phone."

"That's- A very serious accusation. I hope you're not lying to me. Who is this student?"

"Miles Tails Power; I noticed him nearby my friend Cosmo and he was... crouching behind her with his phone out."

"Don't worry Amy, I'll get to the bottom of this."     

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