A New Friend

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~~~In One Of The Classrooms~~~

The female raccoon sighs, rubbing her forehead in frustration. The next bag to search was Miles Tails Powers bag. She pulls the zipper opening the bag; to immediately be hit with the purple ring. Sparkling because of the sun, shining through the classrooms glass. The counselor gasps, taking the ring out; not only was this student taking lewd photos, but now he's a thief! She holds a firm grip onto the ring, zipping the bag back up, then stomps out of the classroom. Her face plastered with irritation. How come an A+ student is now going against the rules? The counselor enters her office, then sits at the dark wooden desk. Pulling her mic up to her mouth turning it on, "Miles Tails Power, please come to the counselors office immediately." Her voice echos through the school speakers. It only took a couple of minutes before Tails enters the office. "Erm, you asked for me Mrs Swann?" Tails asks, closing the door behind him. She motions to the chair across from her, "Sit down Tails; we have something to discuss." The fox sits down, playing with the bottom of his blazer. Nervous of being here again. Mrs Swann opens her palm, revealing the ring. "Can you explain to me why BLAZE'S ring is in YOUR bag?!" Tails eyes widen, confusion all over his face. "W-wait no! I didn't do this! I would never steal from anyone!" "Then how come it was in your bag?!" She snaps back, glaring at the student. Tails went silent, he couldn't answer her. "I am sending you home for the rest of the day. I will call your parents to pick you up; you are hereby dismissed."

~~~In Amy's Classroom~~~

Once Amy heard the counselors voice through the speaker, a small smile crept onto her face. If only she could see Tails face; to see that look of shock from being accused of being a thief. She kinda got a thrill from seeing people suffer... well, only the people who come between her and Shadow. Amy pushes her evil thoughts away, trying her best to focus on the lesson. Writing down as much notes as she can. The class went by like a blur, the bell rings signaling for the next lesson. The students take their time packing up and leaving to their next class. Amy begins to walk downstairs to her Science class. However, a certain figure caught her eye. She turns the corner and glances at the bathrooms; there was a dark figure nearby the entrance of both rooms. The lights were dim near the bathrooms so she couldn't see much of the mysterious character. The 1st floor bathrooms were rumored to be haunted.

Amy squints at the figure, "Hello? Are you ok?" No reply. The figure just walked into the girls bathroom. Out of curiosity, Amy quickly follows. The bathroom lights were turned off, "Look if this is some silly joke; it isn't funny." Amy gulps. A deep voice chuckles, startling Amy. Her hand moves to her skirt pocket, preparing to grab her knife. "This isn't a joke Amy. Also, there's no need for the knife." Her mouth gapes open; how did he know about the knife? A figure creeps out of a stall: He had green eyes with slit pupils, pale skin and was wearing a white mask. Covering his mouth. His body figure was identical to Shadow's. Amy tilts her head, recognizing the figure. "Wait you're... you're Mephiles." She realizes. Mephiles; the student who lives in the dark. No one notices nor gets involve with. The only person who does is the principal. People never see him in school yet he is always marked present in the school register. He nods, "Well I'm not Sonic am I?" He jokes, moving to the wall to turn on the bathroom light. For Amy to see more in the room and his grayish fur. "What do you want?" Amy glares. "I've notice your, let's say, activites after school." Amy raises an eyebrow, not showing her fear. She knows with Mephiles you mustn't show any fear. He'll use it against you. Stutdents know he is a dangerous person to get involve with; so most ignore him if they see him in the dark hallways.

"My activites after school? What are you on about?" She laughs off, resting her hand onto her waist. desperate to leave the bathroom, she wants to get away from this freak. "You and Cream: in the cooking club room, only one of you leaves and the other has gone missing the next day." A smirks forms under his mask. Watching as Amy changes from being confident to a scared school girl. She can't get caught now; she can't leave Shadow. The pink hedgehog gives him the eye, taking out her hammer instead of the knife. "Why the hell are you telling me this?!" She growls, ready to swing her hammer at him. Mephiles places his hands behind him, in a professional manner. "I want to help you." Amy freezes from his statement. 'He wants to help me? Why though' She thought. He may be known to be a dangerous student but...no one speculated him to be into murder. "I...you want to help?" Amy questions in utter confusion. "Yes, help you. Help you covering and murdering these victims of yours. I believe you'll need alot of help; especially when you now have police on your track." He answers, taking a step closer to Amy. Who puts away her hammer, "I know, Tails is working with one of the cops. Before you ask, I am not killing him." Mephiles rolls his eyes. "You're no fun. As soon as I join, you ain't killing the victim. May I ask, but why are you killing these girls?" Amy gazes to the side, pondering on whether to tell him the truth or not. She quickly thinks of an excuse, "Well...can we talk about this later? I'm very late for class." Mephiles sighs in disappointment, annoyed their conversation had to end so quick. "Fine. We'll talk later." His hand goes into his pocket. Taking out his phone, "I'll give my number." They both exchange numbers, planning to talk after school. Amy jogs out of the bathroom to her next lesson; whilst Mephiles walks into the darkness, disappearing from the room.

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