Stalking Her Love

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A dreamy sigh leaves Amy's lips; watching her senpai at the back of the school. Lucky for her that he was on his own today. Amy didn't have to worry about her rival, since Mephiles is taking over for her. So for the whole day she can watch out for her one and only. Shadow was sitting on the ground, his knees bent. He seemed to be deep in thought. Amy wishes to know what he could be thinking about. Maybe it's her? Gosh she hopes so. Shadow groans, putting his head down between his knees. Starring at the ground, muttering something Amy couldn't hear. He looks back up once he finishes his muttering, "God, why can't I have a normal family?" The pink hedgehog's eyes widen. Shocked by this question he asked. She ponders on why would he be asking that; is something going on with his parents? 'Aw my poor senpai; I'll have to help him. But how?' She wonders, turning her back against the wall. There has to be something she can do. She can't ask, hey why don't you have a normal family? Shadow will think she's weird. "H-hey Shadow." A faint voice greets. Amy peeks behind the wall again, viewing another hedgehog with her senpai. That hedgehog was Silver. Shadow glances up at him, "What do you want?" He groans, not very fond of Silver being in his presence. They may be 'friends' but to Shadow, Silver was like an annoying brother. Constantly talking to him whenever he could. Silver frowns, "I-I came to talk, that's all." Silver sits beside him. "How are you?" Silver grins, trying to break the awkward silence between them.

Shadow grunts, "I'm fine. What's going on with Blaze; she seems more cautious around others." He's notice Blaze has changed a bit since he last talked with her. She stays away from certain individuals. Even Shadow. Who is a great friend of hers. Silver's smiles fades at the mention of his crush, "Oh well. On Tuesday Blaze lost the ring I gave her-" "Ok before you ask; no none of the group took it. They know not to steal from her." Shadow interrupts, thinking that Silver was going to accuse him, or the group, of stealing. He had enough of that from Sticks. Silver shakes his head, "No I'm not implying that! We already found out who stole it." Shadow becomes more intrigued by this. Someone who wasn't a delinquent is stealing? Now he has to know! "Who was it?" Silver sighs, upset by the answer. "Tails did." Shadow slightly gasps, shocked that a twink like Tails would do something like that. "But there's more. Apparently he took a panty shot of Cosmo and has now been smoking!" In the corner of Shadow's lips forms a smirk. He finds it amusing to see a nerd like Tails being bad. "Damn. Sorry to hear that." The black hedgehog shrugs, gazing to the side. Amy swiftly hides back behind the wall; so he wouldn't notice her spying on him. By spying, for her, it's protecting him. Silver bites his lip, feeling uncomfortable by their conversation.

"A-anyway, I've heard about yours and Amy's kiss." Silver says, trying to focus on something else. Amy's eyes widen, remembering that lovely night of hers. If only she could feel his lips against hers again. She wants to have that feeling again. Shadow nods as he looks back at him. Hiding his embarrassment as best as he could. "Y-yeah. Also, don't tell anyone this; but we're going on a date on Saturday." Silver grins from ear to ear, happy that Shadow was opening up to someone. "AW! That's so cute." Silver comments, his hand slithering down his pocket. Shadow watches as he takes out a packet of gum. "Want some?" Silver offers, taking one out of the open packet. Shadow accepts the offer, throwing it into his mouth. The two just sit together. Enjoying the silence between them. Not seeing a crazed hedgehog stalking one of them. The silence was cut short by the ring of the school bell. Silver sighs, pushing his self upward. As his friend just stayed on the ground. "Guess we gotta get going now." He looks down, Shadow hasn't moved. Silver pouts, annoyed that he'll walk on his own. "Can you at least walk with me? I don't wanna be alone!" Shadow takes a moment, having one last chew on his gum. Taking it out of his mouth and sticking it to the wall. Standing up with a long grunt of irritation, "Fine Silver." The two begin to make their way into the school. Entering by the back double doors. Amy steps out of hiding spot, walking to the spot where Shadow sat. Staring at the direction he and Silver went. "Oh Shadow... if only I can have you now. To have you in my loving arms." She mutters, holding each elbow. Amy turns to the wall, noticing the gum.


The pink hedgehog was playing on her Iphone, waiting for her friend to leave the school. Hoping he has done what he was suppose to. She wants to trust him, but she can't do it so easily. Amy feels a sudden tap on her shoulder from behind; her eyes widen. How can someone be tapping her shoulder when she's leaning against a wall? Her body pushes off the wall, turning to face what touched her. Now there was a black hole with a hand out of it. Waving at her, "Hello Amy. Did I scare you?" A deep voice chuckles. Amy glares at the black hole. Knowing it's Mephiles. "I wasn't scared. Just surprised that's all." She answers before getting back to the subject at hand. "Did you get him in trouble?" The hand in the portal does a thumb up. Amy smiles in approval, "Good! I'll tell you tomorrow what's happening; meet me at the fountain at 8:30 tomorrow. See you till then." She instructs with a genuine smile. The hand waves goodbye as she begins to walk down the hall, "Bye bye." He says, before the hand goes back into the black hole. Disappearing with it.

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