The 9th Rival Eliminated

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It was late at night, around 11 PM. Most students are probably online: checking their social medias, talking on discord, watching YouTube etc. This was the perfect time to upload the pictures. It can be a bit of risk exposing Rouge on Amy's account. Then again, she couldn't use some random new account for this either. It would be so suspicious. Amy was sitting at her computer desk. Going onto the school's web page. She noticed there was some students online on that specific page. Good for her. Amy gets the picture of Rouge and that old guy together, along with the second of him giving the diamond ring to her. She then written 'Is it just me but has Rouge been weird lately? I saw her with some random guy and he's giving her jewelry. WTF?' then Amy posted it. Which quickly got attention from the students. Especially the gossipy students. Others began to post back with suspicion, shock and saying how they saw Rouge with other guys. It was like almost every student was replying to her post. Some comments began to shame Rouge on being a 'slut'. Amy didn't feel bad though; Rouge was taking her senpai's attention. She couldn't let that happen.The sound of her phone notification gets her out of her thoughts. She takes her phone from the table; she had gotten a text from Mephiles. Amy grins upon reading the text.

Wow, I'm impressed.


It's only been 15 mins and everyone has been spreading the pictures. Rouge will be pissed with you.

So what? I don't care for her. She can complain but I won't care.

And Shadow? He's her best guy friend. Wouldn't he be upset.

I'll talk it out with him if he is.

K then. I gotta go now, c ya.

Amy puts down her phone with a sigh, gazing back to her computer screen. Seeing that there was much more comments on her post. Rouge was there too, trying to defend herself. Not like anyone was believing her though. This will shun Rouge, meaning she'll stay away from everyone. Especially Amy's senpai. Maybe her mother will see this... fuckin' hell this will ruin her.

~~~3 days later~~~

It was now Tuesday, there wasn't a lot of students in school. Most were depressed, scared and gone already. But nope, there're still going to school. Amy stood nearby the delinquents hang out, waiting for her Shady. She wanted to check up on him. He seemed to be upset when they had called each other. His voice was more deep and emotionless than how it normally is. It took a while before she saw their group walking over their area. Scourge is the first to see Amy. He marches over to her, "The hell you doing here?" He asks rudely, pointing his index finger at her.Amy slightly backs away from the hedgehog, "I-I'm here to check on Shadow. Where is he?" "At home...d-did you not hear?" Wave says, whispering the last part. Amy shakes her head. Oh no did something happen to her senpai? "Rouge committed suicide." Amy lets out a gasp. She wasn't that surprised; she didn't feel that bad anyway. She needs to get rid of the people who'll take her senpai after all. "Oh my--shit I-" "I recommend checking up on Shadow after school. Let him be alone for the first 6 hours." Amy nods, before leaving the area. 


It was finally the end of the school day, Amy ran all the way to Shadow's house. She needs to see him. Comfort him. And love him through this. Luckily, his dad wasn't in. Shadow opened the door to pull Amy into a hug. He needed one. Just someone to listen to him and let him cry. Someone that won't judge him. Shadow dragged Amy into his bedroom. In case his dad would come back home. Shadow held onto Amy's wait tightly, as she patted his back. In a comforting manner. "I-I'm sorry for this happening. I only posted those pictures in concern. But that was very stupid of me." "Yes. It w-was." Shadow said through his crying. He was mad with Amy, but he didn't have the capacity to fight with her. His best friend is gone.

"And I'm sorry for that. I'll do anything you want if it makes you forgive me." Amy gently pulls away, to now be face to face with Shadow. Holding his face between her hands, "Shadow... please. Tell what I need to do to make you happy." Shadow was silent for a small moment. Before leaning forward. Linking his lips with Amy's. Forming a small kiss. He soon pulls away, "You don't have to do anything. Just, let me hold you." He places his head onto her shoulder. Pulling her onto his lap, making Amy blush. They stayed in the position for a while. Just enjoying each other's company.

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