{Chapter 5}

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The Mafia Leader Damien, Chapter 5: Get her family and her out of here safe...

Savannah's pov:

We turned around and saw two guys. They were both in a royal blue suit and they were handsome. One had brown eyes while the other had hazel eyes like me.

"Hi, I'm Cameron and he is my friend Luke." Cameron introduced themselves.

"Hi, I'm Paigne and she is my sister Savannah." Paigne introduced us.

"Well, I hope we aren't disturbing you?" Luke asked and we shake our head no.

"So I guess we can ask you for a dance?" Cameron asked and I glanced at Paigne. I know she wanted to dance but I wasn't really in the mood to dance.

"Sure," she replied and they turned toward me.

I really wanted to say no, but the look on Luke's face made me say yes.

"Sure." I agreed and they smiled. They put their hand forward and both Paigne and I put our hand on theirs.

Luke pulled me to the middle and put his other hand on my waist.

"How about we talk to make it less boring?" He suggested and I agreed.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Well let's start with the basic, what's your favourite colour?" He asked and I chuckled.

"I like purple and what's yours?" I asked.

"Red and sometimes blue. What's your favourite food?" He asked.

"Hmm, I honestly don't have any favourite. I love food, I can't choose." I admitted and he chuckled.

"Same, I can have some stuff that I don't eat but the rest are all my favourites." He said and suddenly spun me around, making me gasped. I almost fell on him when he turned me toward him.

"You are really good at dancing." He smiled.

"I'm not, I'm just following your steps," I admitted and he snickered.

"Enough of me asking questions now, why don't you ask me some questions?" He asked and I try to think about anything.

"Hmm, in what department do you work?" I asked, curiously.

"I don't work in any company. My dad, Mr Jones forced me a lot to take his place but I can't. I really want to become a singer, it's my dream. What about you?" He asked and spun me around again.

"I work with my dad, Mr Ross, in his company," I said.

"Oh, I know him. I met him once at a party." He said and I nodded.

The music stopped and we pulled away.

"Well, that was fun. I hope we can meet again someday." He smiled, "It was nice meeting you."

"Same," I smiled.

"Bye." He said.


I watched as he walked away. I made my way back to the place where Paigne and I were standing before. Paigne joined me a few minutes later.

"How was he?" She asked curiously.

"He's nice. What about Cameron? Did you enjoy your dance?" I asked and she chuckled.

"He's nice too but unfortunately he doesn't know how to dance. We only swing our hips to the rhythm. I enjoy myself though." She admitted.

"Cade isn't going to be happy when he'll learn that you enjoy Cameron's company." I teased and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, he should have come when dad asked him earlier." She murmured but I heard her.

"Dad asked him to come?" I asked surprised and she nodded.

"Dumbass denied him." She sighed.

I was about to talk again when suddenly the light went off. We heard some screams as it went pitch black. I felt Paigne wrapping her hands around my arm.

"Why isn't the generator taking over?" She asked beside me.

"I don't know. Maybe it takes time." I answered.

Damien's pov:

Everywhere was pitch black. I didn't really pay attention to it till I heard my phone vibrates. I took it out and pick the call.

"Boss, you need to come out. Some burglar surrounded the whole place and they have knives with them. The teams and I were able to stop some of them from coming inside but unfortunately, some managed to go inside." My bodyguard informed me.

"No, I need two bodyguards to come inside the hall. I have another mission for them." I stated.

"I'll send them."

I hang up and turned on the light on my phone. I noticed a lot of people have done the same thing.

"What happened?" Zach asked walking toward me.

"Some burglar came in and they have knives. We need to go out." I said and they nodded.

"Let's go. What are you waiting?" Crawford asked confused.

"I'll go in a few minutes," I said and they looked at me confused. I waited for like 2 minutes before two bodyguards finally came to me.

"Yes boss, how can we help you?"

"You see the girl over there?" I asked pointing at the back of the hall. Luckily she had her phone light on and there was another girl with her.

"The one beside the other girl?" He asked and I nodded.

"I want you to go near her and tell her that something is wrong and you are from the security team. Get her family and her out of here safe." I ordered and they nodded.

"Yes, boss."

They both walked away and went to them.

"Let's go now." Crawford saying tapping my shoulder.

Savannah's pov:

We were still waiting for the lights when two guys walked to us. They looked like some bodyguard.

"Hi, We are from the security team and there is a red code alert. You will have to leave for security purposes." One of the guys said.

"Hi, our parents-"

"Yes, we will get you all out. Can you tell us where they are?" The other guy asked.

"They are over there with our brother," Paigne said pointing at the blue flashlight. Elijah customized his phone light a few months ago and Paigne recognizes it.

"Stay here, I'll get them."

The security guy went to our parents and he returned quickly with them.

"Are you two okay?" Mom asked worriedly.

"Yeah," I replied.

"We need to leave."


Love ya

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